Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Week 28

Third Trimester! 28 weeks pregnant! 

Top left to right is Oliver, Trent then Rose, bottom left to right is Brooks, Vivian then baby #7

Trent and baby number 7

I have been so bad at documenting this pregnancy. I think a big part of it is because I'm no longer on social media so I don't have a many people following along on this pregnancy journey and don't feel as motivated to share. 

On Monday, I had my 28 week doctor appointment at 27 weeks and 5 days. Everything looked great! Fluid level was good, he was practicing his breathing and the ultrasound tech said he already has a lot of hair. He is still in the 85th percentile estimated to weigh 2lbs 15oz. Which is exactly what Oliver was at  his appointment at 27 weeks 6 days!

Craving: Sweets, but that is nothing new

Sleeping: Still waking a few times a night to use the bathroom 

Symptoms: Tired and heartburn has started in the last week at night


Christmas: 4 days
11th wedding anniversary/NYE: 10 days
Next doctor appointment: 26 days
Trent's birthday: 35 days
Brooks' birthday:63 days 