Nothing new to report these last few weeks. We did check baby's estimated weight at 18 weeks and 6 days he was 11oz which was the 85th percentile. My belly has really popped as well as my belly button!
Top left to bottom right: Oliver (in Aruba for our honeymoon), Trent, Rose, Brooks, Vivian and baby #7
Just for fun:
At 20 weeks on the dot Trent was estimated to weigh 13oz, 67th percentile
Brooks was estimated to weigh 11.8 oz 64th percentile at 19 weeks and 5 days
Rose at 19 weeks and 1 day estimated to weigh 10.3oz 58th percentile.
Vivian at 19 weeks and 4 days 10.2oz 34th percentile. She was diagnosed with basically a bad cord insertion that results in low birth weight.
Today at 20 weeks baby is the size of a banana estimated to weigh 10.5 oz according to BabyCenter.
Craving: Chili, tomato soup with grilled cheese and chicken nuggets
Sleep: Exhausted by 8pm waking up two or three times a night to go to the bathroom. Always having weird vivid dreams.
Movement: I’m feeling kicks everyday mostly in the morning and evening. Matt and a few of the kids have felt him kick too!
Doppler: Ranges from 145 to 155bpm. He has definitely moved up because my belly button has popped out like I mentioned above and when I listen to his heartbeat on the doppler it’s higher than it was a few weeks ago.
Anatomy Scan: 5 days
Halloween: 5 days
Thanksgiving: 29 days
Christmas: 60 days