Thursday, September 15, 2022

Week 14 baby #7


 At 14 weeks baby is the size of a navel orange.
Sleep is going okay. I drink a lot of water around 128oz a day which means I'm going to the bathroom all the time during the day and night. It's so important I stay hydrated with my irritable uterus being dehydrated will make me more likely to have contractions. Even this early on my doctor has pointed out a contraction I was having during an ultrasound. 

Nausea came in waves during the first trimester, vivid dreams and exhaustion were big symptoms for me. I wouldn't say I'm craving anything this pregnancy. It's more so that if I get something on my mind I can't stop talking about it until I have it. 

Sometimes in bed or when I'm sitting still I feel what I think is a little tap from baby boy. After looking back at week 14 with my previous pregnancies I was feeling some movement. My placenta is in the back which is great because if it was in the front it could grow into my csection scar and that would be very dangerous. Since it is in the back that means I will feel movements earlier too! 

Home doppler ranges from 152-158BPM 

I feel a huge relief making it to the second trimester and I am thankful to be carrying such a strong, healthy baby boy! 

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