Vivi just had her 15 month appointment and weighs 22lbs 6oz (65th percentile) and 30.75 inches (53rd percentile) definitely one of the biggest any of our kids have been at
this age! Honestly, I was a little worried she wasn't gaining weight because she can't have dairy. The usual foods like mac and cheese, grilled cheese and yogurt that our kids always enjoyed at this age she can't have and of course not having a big bottle or sippy cup of milk a few times a day like most kids have, she can't. I've tried oat and almond milk she just pushes it away. I am still breastfeeding Vivian whenever she wants during the day she just signs to nurse and always right before bed. At night she sleeps from 6/6:30pm to 6am with no wake ups and then she naps once during the day around 11/11:30am with Brooks.
In her 12 month post I mentioned that we did a blood test to find out more about her allergies the results said she was now only allergic to milk and no longer had a peanut or avocado allergy. Per her allergists directions I gave Vivian a little bit of peanut butter with her morning oatmeal and she immediately broke out in hives around her mouth and shortly after her whole body was covered in the hives. At her check up yesterday Vivians pediatrician said those blood tests can be wrong unfortunately and it's best to go off of her reaction and its obvious she's allergic to peanuts.
Vivian is walking all over the place she's so fast! It's hard to keep up with her! Vivi is constantly learning new words and can say Dada, Mama, woof woof, Bye, Hi, Wawa and Mwah!
In other news we are moving! ... Again!
We are moving back to where we moved from luckily we were only short term renting this house because our hearts stayed where our old home is! I have been homeschooling our kids for the past few months and now that our older four are fully vaccinated we feel as comfortable as we are going to about sending them back in person. I am excited for them and for Brooks and Vivian to get more alone time with me!
Happy Holidays!