August 24, 2020 5:06PM |
When I found out I was pregnant with her it was January 2020 before COVID. She has brought so much light to such a dark time, I'm so thankful for the joy she brings our family every single day.
This past year has been SO special having everyone home. I know it has been hard on so many families, but I have decided to look at the positives and that we have been able to all soak up every moment of our first year as a family of eight!
I could tell Vivian was going to be a calm little one when she was growing in my belly. I worried while I was pregnant with her not only because Vivian is our rainbow baby (baby after a miscarriage), but because she hardly ever kicked. If it weren't for her daily hiccups, I wouldn't have even noticed her growing in there!
When Vivian was born she was an itty bitty 4 pound 10 ounce baby. I can proudly say she's now weighs a over 20lbs. I am still breastfeeding her around 5-6 times in 24 hours. I try to give her 3 meals a day with one snack, but she isn't always interested. With Viv's allergies we have been very slow to give her foods, but her favorites are almond milk vanilla yogurt, spaghetti with meatballs, broccoli with grilled chicken, breastmilk popsicles and apple sauce. No new teeth this month just her two front bottom ones, but I feel like her tops two will be cutting through any day!
Vivi got a blood test done last week to see how bad her allergies are and if she has outgrown any. The results are that she no longer has a peanut allergy, since the skin test was positive the allergist recommended holding off giving it to her until March. The same goes for avocado the blood test was negative, but the skin test was positive so to hold off. We also tested for shellfish since Oliver has a allergy to them and it was negative, but since she has not been exposed to shellfish yet that might be why it was negative according to her allergist your body usually needs to build up a response before having a reaction. The huge one we wanted her to have outgrown was milk which unfortunately was positive for skin and blood.
Rose has wanted a baby sister since she could talk and it truly fills my heart to be able to watch their bond together. They are currently sharing a room and Rose is thrilled about it, though the different bed times and wake up times is a little tough.
Current schedule is:
6am wake up
9am nap
1pm nap
630/7 bedtime
Weight: 20lbs 9oz (60th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (25th percentile)
Clothing size: 12-18 month
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light brown and straight
Teeth: Botton two center and top two are coming soon
We are so happy you're here Vivi Grace. Happiest birthday to you, our sweet baby girl.
Beautiful captures by Katy Hayes Photography