Thursday, July 29, 2021

Vivian at 11 Months Old

WE MOVED! We now live about 45 minutes from our old house. It’s been a very busy week, but I really want to keep up with these monthly Vivi updates.

Literally the day after I posted Vivian’s 10 month update she got two teeth! We were on vacation at the beach and she didn’t sleep well, nursed a bunch and was so clingy for about a week during this time. 

Vivi has been pulling herself up on everything! New this month Vivian says “no” by shaking her head, wawa, more and all done (sign language.) She loves to dance! Vivian will clap and move her body whenever she hears any song. 

Just this past week she’s been eating a solid meal a day. Her favorites are chicken and cashew cheese and meatballs with sauce. We luckily haven’t had anymore allergic reactions and she will be going next month for a blood test to see the extent of her allergies to peanut, dairy and avocado. 

I’m still nursing Vivian around 5-6 times in 24 hours. I’ve read online mothers nurse as little as twice a day (only morning and night) to every 2-3 hours during the day so I think it just varies for each baby. Vivian with her allergies hasn’t eaten many solids until now so it was important I kept up nursing her often. I’m waiting for this allergy test before deciding when to wean. 

Viv naps twice a day around 9am and around 1pm though there have been a few days she will just take one long nap mid day. 

When I weighed her about two weeks ago she was 19lbs! I can’t believe our little Vivi girl is turning 1 year next month!! I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been able to think about it, but I know when things settle down in the coming weeks I’ll get emotional about it! 


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