Thursday, June 24, 2021

Vivian at 10 Months Old

This past month has FLOWN BY. We have been looking at houses and even put in a few offers, but unfortunately haven’t had any luck! Our four oldest kids who did virtual learning all last year ended school mid June. Between having them out of school all day, a toddler and Vivian who is all over the place, while house hunting/packing needless to say we are very busy over here! 

Vivian is doing well though and her eczema has really cleared up this past month. I’d like to say she’s tried a bunch of new foods, but we really haven’t besides kiwi (which she didn’t really care for.) I’m nursing her on demand still with usually one wake up at night. It’s hard to believe our baby girl was only 4lbs 10oz at birth. Vivian now has gained over 14 pounds weighing 18 and a half pounds!!! I’m so proud that our nursing journey has gone so well and she’s healthy. 

Viv is crawling very fast and loves to explore everything. She never stays in one place too long and I've caught her pulling herself up to a stand a few times. Vivian loves to yell and babble and doesn't have any teeth yet. I can't believe in just two short months we will have a one year old. This year has gone so fast and at times slow. When I think back to bringing her home from the hospital it feels like forever ago, but yesterday all at the same time.  We love her so much! 

Happy 10 months Vivi! 


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