Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Vivian at 9 Months Old

 It’s been a fun month for our family we listed our house and accepted an offer. During the tours and open house we surprised our kids with another beach trip! We really just wanted something exciting to do to while also avoiding having to clean the house a hundred times and it was Matt’s 32nd birthday so we wanted to do something special for that as well.

Although she missed her crib Vivian had a great time at the beach enjoyed attempting to eat the sand all day and even had her first donut! If you ever visit Bethany Beach in Delaware I highly recommend Sandy Pony Donuts. Their gluten free donuts are also dairy free (they even use a separate fryer so there is no cross contamination!) 

Vivian is waking up once a night most nights and naps twice a day, but sometimes three times. Earlier this month she had an allergic reaction to what we believe was banana. Hives quickly covered her arms and around her mouth got pink as well as her stomach. She is still breastfeeding on demand.

New this month Vivian is clapping, clicking with her tongue, dancing and she’s been waving for a little while now! Still no teeth and lots of drool. Vivi can say Dada, Mama and loves to babble. 

Now off to find a house!!! 


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