Sunday, April 25, 2021

Vivian at 8 Months Old

Our sweet little Vivi Grace is now 8 months old! This past month Vivian has really warmed up to solid foods and now eats one puree "meal" and one BLW "meal" a day which is always peanut, avocado and dairy free since she is allergic. Vivian has had sweet potato, apples, pears, cashew butter, almond butter, pancakes, walnut butter, eggs, chicken (disliked), carrots, peas, banana, spinach, kale and oatmeal. We luckily haven't had anymore allergic reactions, but I have been very slow with introducing new foods. I have avoided shellfish which is something Oliver is allergic to and I'm kicking myself for not having the allergist check when we did Vivian's testing.  I also give Viv a straw sippy cup with an ounce or so of water that she loves to sip throughout the day.

Vivian's skin is SUPER sensitive and dry. Even just wiping her up after meals her skin gets all irritated and pink. One week this month Vivian had a huge flare up with he face eczema and it was bleeding. I am not sure what caused it, but it healed after a few days of putting breastmilk on it and making sure we put mittens on her hands during naps so she couldn't itch it!

Day 1 vs Day 3 

Vivi naps two or three times a day one morning nap around 8am, midday nap and one late afternoon nap around 3pm. If she has a long nap midday she won't take a late afternoon nap. A few nights this month Vivian has slept 9pm -530am which has been AMAZING, but usually still does her one wake up around midnight which I do feel she needs! With her bedtime being around 6/6:30pm I wouldn't expect her to sleep 12 straight hours at her age. 

Vivian is still breastfeeding and it's going really well though having all the kids home still doing virtual learning causes her to be distracted and snack a lot more than getting a full feeding in. I like to feed her in her room with the lights off as much as possible.

This month brought a lot more babbling and high pitch shrieks along with Vivian's first word Dada this makes her no less of a Mama's girl though and everyone in the family will agree to that haha. The way she lights up when she sees me makes my heart melt. We all just adore her SO much! Viv brings so much joy to our lives. 


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