Vivian is officially 7 months old and this past month a lot has happened!
The next day I gave her avocado. Since she had it once before, I thought it was a safe food. Again she started throwing up, but this time she threw up about 15 times in 30 minutes. It was absolutely heartbreaking to watch her struggling between gags. Vivian started looking very pale and her throw up turned from breastmilk/avocado to full on thick mucus that she was choking on trying to get it out. Matt and I decided it would be best to take her to the urgent care.
Matt stayed home with our other kids while I rushed her alone and terrified in the dark, throwing up in her carseat to the closest children’s urgent care! They gave her Zofran so her little body could have a break from throwing up and after a little monitoring I was able to take her back home. I watched her like a hawk all night. Vivian nursed well and slept normally.
I took Vivi ASAP to an allergist where she got a skin test done to see if it was in fact an allergic reaction. The results came back that she is allergic to dairy, peanuts and avocado.
I’ve been nervous to start up solids again after her allergic reaction, but I’m relieved to have some answers and to slowly start trying new foods. We also now have an epipen!
When I gave her her first taste of food since her episode she wouldn’t even open her mouth as if she remembered what had happened. Vivi has slowly started getting better about foods and prefers to feed herself which is obviously messy, but whatever works, right?!
So far she has had oatmeal, apple, spinach, egg, sweet potato, banana, strawberry and kale.
If I had to say one was her favorite I’d go with sweet potato, but she really makes a yuck face for all of them haha.
Obviously, Vivian being allergic to dairy isn’t ideal especially the closer she gets to a year when most babies switch from breastmilk/formula to cows milks, but I’ve done some research and think I might just keep nursing her throughout her second year when having cows milk won’t be so important. Really I’ll just cross that bridge when it comes. Other nondairy options are oat milk or almond!
Also, I’d like to mention I had been having dairy during my pregnancy and since she was born while nursing without any issues! I’ve also had peanut butter at first we thought that might be the cause to her eczema, but after eliminating dairy and peanuts from my diet for a few weeks I haven’t seen that much of a change so I don’t know if I’ll avoid it any longer.
Vivian had her first road trip this past week and her first beach trip! She was really good in the car considering she hasn’t been in it much since we don’t ever go anywhere.
Vivian loves being held, grabbing at everything, sitting, being in the carrier, rolling right out of tummy time, jolly jumper, baths and nursing.
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