Thursday, February 25, 2021

Vivian at 6 Months Old

You can find Rose’s six month update here and Trent’s six month update here

You’d think by baby number six I’d know by now, but my gosh babies grow fast! I feel like these past six months have flown by some where between the sleepless nights and the long days at home time has snuck by.

As hard as it is right now in the world I’m so thankful to be home with my family and enjoy all of these special moments together. I don’t have to be sad that Matt has missed her first roll or laugh, he’s been there for it all and so have all five of Vivian’s siblings and it’s been such a joy, she’s been a joy and our light during this hard time!

Vivian now rolls right out of tummy time! She’s not a fan of being on her tummy and never has been. Vivi can sit unassisted for few minutes.

As for eating this month she has gotten so distracted while nursing Vivian will whip her head around to any sound and just about take my nipple off with it. Ouch!

Last week we gave Vivian her first taste of real food. It was a mashed up slice of avocado mixed with breastmilk, she loved it! I have also given her some spinach purée that I made. I’m hoping to introduce more in the coming weeks, but I’m also in no rush! 

Vivian's schedule looks similar to this everyday:

6am wake up

8am-9am nap

11am-12pm nap

2pm-330pm nap

6pm bedtime

2 wake ups

Nurses around 8 times in 24 hours!

A few of Vivi's favorite toys are:

Vivian has developed some pretty bad eczema this past month mostly on her stomach. I’m still trying different products to help it nothing has been a miracle cream yet. I’ve tried all of these and they work well for just normal dry winter sensitive skin, but none have cleared up her awful eczema.

Vivian loves to be held, cuddled, baths, nursing, bouncing, grabbing things, watching her siblings. Whenever I pick up Vivi from her crib she always rubs her face into my neck, it’s so sweet.

Dislikes, the car (the few rides she been in it she’s screamed), pacifiers, tummy time, being awake for longer than two hours during the day.

Weight: A little over 15lbs 
Hair: Light brown with a few golden strands 
Eyes: Hazel 

Here’s to hoping these next six months go slower than the past six and are spent more outside!

Rose and Vivian both at half a year!!! I don't think they look much alike in my opinion Vivi looks most like Landon and Trent. What do you think?



  1. Hi Melissa! What happened to your Instagram profile? I can't see it any more and I miss your updates! Elisa xxx

  2. Hi Elisa! A few months back I decided to get off social media to be more present with my kids (especially now while I have them all home doing virtual learning.) I’m not sure when I’ll be back on Instagram or Facebook, but for now I’ll be updating here on my blog for friends and family!
