Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Vivian at 5 Months Old

What a month it’s been! Our sweet little Vivian Grace is now 5 months old. Right around 4 months her sleep schedule changed. Vivi went from waking once a night (bed at 8, wake up around 1 and then back down until 6ish) to waking every 2 hours and some nights even worse! I blame the four month sleep regression. We tried swaddling her, unswaddling her, sound machine, no sound machine, bath before bed, bottle (total fail), paci (another fail) and so much more. After weeks and weeks of very little to no sleep I can finally say we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Vivian wakes twice a night to nurse and goes right back to sleep! 

Since coming home the excitement of Vivian has calmed down some from the kids. I think it’s because they’re with her all the time since we have all been home for a whole year come March. We have our four
oldest (9,8,7 and 5 years old) doing elementary school on the computer. 

Also, Brooks who will be two next month is at such a fun age where the kids are constantly laughing at what he says and does. 

Vivian was born at 36 weeks and 1 day due to preterm labor. At only 4lbs 10oz she was tiny, but mighty! I’m so thankful she had no nicu time. If you have had your baby spend time in the nicu you know how hard it is mentally and physically. I’ve unfortunately had to experience it four out of six times.

Like I mentioned above she was only 4lbs 10oz at birth and now is around 14lbs! Just like her big sister Rose she won’t take the bottle or a pacifier. All that weight gain has been from me and I’m proud of that. Breastfeeding is exhausting as it is, breastfeeding a baby who won’t take a bottle is so much pressure, but things are going well. I feed Vivian on demand and when I record it she usually eats 9 or 10 times in a 24 hour period. Bedtime for Vivian is around 7pm and she will wake up anywhere between 10pm-12am to nurse then again anywhere between 2am-4am then goes back to sleep to 6am or 7am. 

As for personality she’s such a sweetheart so pure and precious. We all adore her so much! Vivian loves to watch her siblings and if she’s on my hip and they’re talking to me she will smile so big and giggle. Vivian loves nursing obviously, baths, being held, gentle face kisses all over almost always guarantees smiles, sitting up (with help) and standing (with help.) Dislikes include, having her nose suctioned, not being held, tummy time, the wind.

This month has brought a lot of drool!!! Vivian loves to suck on her hands and become a huge wet mess. We do our best to remember a bib, but end up usually just changing her outfit 100 times a day, 

At her four month well check up her pediatrician said we could start solids, but we decided to hold off until she’s 6+ months. I feel no rush this time. 

We love our Vivi girl so much she brings so much joy to our day! 



  1. Melissa I have been wondering how you and your beautiful family have been doing! I’m so happy to have found this post, what a wonderful update and Vivian is adorable and thriving! Great job mama! Love the photo of her and Rose in their matching outfits!! Hope you’re doing well!

    1. Erin, it’s so good to hear from you! I decided to no longer be on social media. I should have messaged you before hand, but it was really a spur of the moment thing. I’m focusing on being more present with my kids! I hope you and your sweet family are doing well! I’d love to keep in touch! Feel free to email me anytime
