Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week 33 baby #5

I had my 33 week appointment on Monday! According to their scale I didn't gain any weight I was 111.2lbs so down a little from 111.8lbs the week before. My doctor said it is normal to not gain some weeks and gain two pounds the following week. Either way baby B is growing very well he was estimated to weigh 4lbs 8oz! My cervix measured 2.4 this was the last week they will be measuring it via ultrasound. They start to check for dilation at 36 weeks! My blood pressure was 99/62 so a little lower than usual which is much better than it being too high!

At their 33 week appointments Rose was estimated to weigh 4lbs 1oz, Trent 4lbs 13oz and Oliver was the same as baby B 4lbs 8oz.

Rose weighed 4lbs 15oz at birth so the fact that baby B is only a few ounces shy of that blows my mind! It doesn't feel that there could possibly be a 4 and a half or by now 5 pound baby in my belly.

February 7th - February 13th

At 33 weeks baby measures the size of a honeydew melon weighing around 4.5lbs and about 19 inches long!

Weight: From here forward I am just going to record what I weigh at the doctors. This way I don't have to weigh myself a second time at home.

Sleep: Some nights I wake up multiple times and have trouble falling back asleep.

Craving: Milk, cookies, milkshakes, and ice.

Symptoms: Rib pain mostly my right side where he kicks, out of breath and tired.

Looking forward to: These next few weeks before baby comes.

What I am loving: That I feel so much more confident that we may actually make it to 39 weeks.

Just two more Makena shots!

Days Until: 

34 weeks appointment: 4 days

C-section: 42 days

Total Pounds Gained: 15lbs


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