Monday was my 35 week appointment. According to their scale I weigh 110.2 and my blood pressure was 108/70. We had a quick ultrasound to check baby B's fluid level which is in the normal range. I had my cervix checked and I am still the same 1 cm 70-75% effaced.
The only thing that was a little concerning to my doctor was my lack of weight gain. I haven't gained weight in weeks and I actually lost a pound this past week. This is shocking to me because I have been eating so much to the point of feeling very uncomfortable and sick. He wants to check baby B's weight next Monday to see if he dropped from his 46% weight to the 20-30%. If he has, then they will deliver him within the next week or two.
Rose came TOMORROW (35 weeks 1 day), Trent came at 36 weeks 3 days and Oliver came at 37 weeks. Trent was our only baby that didn't need to go to the NICU. I am hoping that even if B comes in the next few days the fact that he has had steroid shots to develop his lungs will help him not have to go.
This week baby is the size of a canary melon weighing about 5.5lbs and around 19-22 inches length.
I had my last Makena shot yesterday! I am so thankful to be done with them.
Sleep: Not the best week for sleep. I have been waking up multiple times a night and having trouble falling back asleep.
Craving: Soft serve ice cream, cheeseburgers, milk, fries, chicken lo mein, ice and pizza.
Symptoms: Mild headaches, rib pain, out of breath, feeling uncomfortably full. Baby B has been practicing his breathing multiple times a day as well as having hiccups. He is a busy boy in there working hard on his skills.
Looking forward to: March, I just really want to make it to March before delivering. That is my goal!
What I am loving: Washing little baby boy clothes!
Days Until:
36 week appointment: 4 days
C-section: 28 days (1 month exactly from today!)
Total pounds gained: 14