Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 35 baby #5

35 weeks?! With the way things were looking two or three weeks ago I am very surprised and excited to have made it this far! Keep on growing baby boy!

Monday was my 35 week appointment. According to their scale I weigh 110.2 and my blood pressure was 108/70. We had a quick ultrasound to check baby B's fluid level which is in the normal range. I had my cervix checked and I am still the same 1 cm 70-75% effaced.

The only thing that was a little concerning to my doctor was my lack of weight gain. I haven't gained weight in weeks and I actually lost a pound this past week. This is shocking to me because I have been eating so much to the point of feeling very uncomfortable and sick. He wants to check baby B's weight next Monday to see if he dropped from his 46% weight to the 20-30%. If he has, then they will deliver him within the next week or two.

Rose came TOMORROW (35 weeks 1 day), Trent came at 36 weeks 3 days and Oliver came at 37 weeks. Trent was our only baby that didn't need to go to the NICU. I am hoping that even if B comes in the next few days the fact that he has had steroid shots to develop his lungs will help him not have to go. 

This week baby is the size of a canary melon weighing about 5.5lbs and around 19-22 inches length.

I had my last Makena shot yesterday! I am so thankful to be done with them.

Sleep: Not the best week for sleep. I have been waking up multiple times a night and having trouble falling back asleep.

Craving: Soft serve ice cream, cheeseburgers, milk, fries, chicken lo mein, ice and pizza.

Symptoms: Mild headaches, rib pain, out of breath, feeling uncomfortably full. Baby B has been practicing his breathing multiple times a day as well as having hiccups. He is a busy boy in there working hard on his skills.

Looking forward to: March, I just really want to make it to March before delivering. That is my goal!

What I am loving: Washing little baby boy clothes!

Days Until:

36 week appointment: 4 days
C-section: 28 days (1 month exactly from today!)

Total pounds gained: 14


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Week 34 baby #5

On Friday morning, I woke up and my belly was a totally different shape & I also was feeling a lot of low pressure. I had been having contractions the night before, but they stopped after falling asleep. I decided to call my doctor in the afternoon after taking a comparison picture between my 33 week (first thing in the morning picture) and my 33 week 1 day (after eating and in the afternoon picture.) You can see how much smaller my belly was and my prediction was correct. He had dropped!

From what I have read online baby can drop and move up as many times has he likes until delivery.
At the office they monitored me and saw I was contracting every 2-3 minutes even though at that point I wasn't really feeling them. The doctor checked me and said I am 1 cm and 75% effaced. I was then sent to the hospital. Once Matt and I got there the contractions started to intensify and I started to really feel them. They gave me an IV in my wrist which is the worst in my opinion! Finally, after contracting for hours the doctors were able to space them out and then eventually they stopped completely. I got my first steroid shot to speed up the development of baby boy's lungs, but wouldn't be getting the second one for 24 hours. It was pretty obvious at this point that I would be staying the night there, but I really didn't want to accept it and was trying to compromise with my doctor so I could go home. Obviously, that didn't work!

Matt went home to get the kids ready for bed. Thankfully, my parents were able to take care of them during our stay. I was able to FaceTime them to say goodnight! Rose immediately started crying which of course made me start crying. It is so hard as a stay at home mom to be away from my kids. I am literally with them 24/7 unless they're at school. The constant IV drip was making me have to wake up every 1.5-2 hours to use the bathroom. I probably got a total of 4 hours of sleep.

I saw one of my other doctors the next morning and he told me I would be monitored again after my second steroid shot for an hour and if it looked good I could go home back on strict bedrest. If I have contractions then I will be staying at the hospital the remainder of my pregnancy. That was really hard to hear. During the monitoring I stayed totally still in fear that any slight movement could be mistaken as a contraction.

Luckily, we passed the monitoring and were able to leave!

Monday was my 34 week appointment. According to their scale I weigh 111.3lbs which is the same as the past two weeks. Though my doctor didn't say he is concerned I am going to try to up my calories. The end of pregnancy can be hard. You feel full very quickly, your ribs hurt, you get heartburn, and being on bedrest is making my back and hips ache much more than Rose's pregnancy where I was able to go on walks every morning. My blood pressure was 117/77 and most importantly Baby B looks great! I go every Monday morning until delivery!

This week baby is the size of a pineapple weighing about 4.9lbs and around 19-22 inches in length.

Just ONE more Makena shot! 

Sleep: The usual waking up a few times to use the restroom and vivid dreams.

Craving: Milk, cheeseburgers (specifically Five Guys), milkshake (Oreo), soft serve ice cream.

Symptoms: Braxton hicks, rib pain, out of breath, reflux.

Looking forward to: Celebrating Valentine's Day at home today! 

What I am loving: Still being pregnant. We were so close to delivering him last weekend and that is really the last thing I want right now. It would be very hard to drive multiple times a day to the NICU 45 minutes away. Not to mention seeing him with all the cords and oxygen would break my heart.

Days Until:

35 week appointment: 4 days 

C-section: 35 days 

Total pounds gained: 15lbs


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week 33 baby #5

I had my 33 week appointment on Monday! According to their scale I didn't gain any weight I was 111.2lbs so down a little from 111.8lbs the week before. My doctor said it is normal to not gain some weeks and gain two pounds the following week. Either way baby B is growing very well he was estimated to weigh 4lbs 8oz! My cervix measured 2.4 this was the last week they will be measuring it via ultrasound. They start to check for dilation at 36 weeks! My blood pressure was 99/62 so a little lower than usual which is much better than it being too high!

At their 33 week appointments Rose was estimated to weigh 4lbs 1oz, Trent 4lbs 13oz and Oliver was the same as baby B 4lbs 8oz.

Rose weighed 4lbs 15oz at birth so the fact that baby B is only a few ounces shy of that blows my mind! It doesn't feel that there could possibly be a 4 and a half or by now 5 pound baby in my belly.

February 7th - February 13th

At 33 weeks baby measures the size of a honeydew melon weighing around 4.5lbs and about 19 inches long!

Weight: From here forward I am just going to record what I weigh at the doctors. This way I don't have to weigh myself a second time at home.

Sleep: Some nights I wake up multiple times and have trouble falling back asleep.

Craving: Milk, cookies, milkshakes, and ice.

Symptoms: Rib pain mostly my right side where he kicks, out of breath and tired.

Looking forward to: These next few weeks before baby comes.

What I am loving: That I feel so much more confident that we may actually make it to 39 weeks.

Just two more Makena shots!

Days Until: 

34 weeks appointment: 4 days

C-section: 42 days

Total Pounds Gained: 15lbs


Saturday, February 2, 2019

Maternity Pictures

I would like to say a big thank you to Roe & Co. for capturing this special time for our family!

We can't wait to meet you baby boy! 
