I had my 32 week appointment on Monday and it went pretty well. I weighed 111.8 and my blood pressure was 107/66. My cervix measured 2.2 so down some from last week, but the doctor wasn't concerned. I go back next Monday, it should be a longer appointment where they get an estimate weight on baby B and monitor me for contractions for about 20 minutes.
At 32 weeks baby is the size of a head of lettuce weighing around 3.9lbs and about 19 inches long.
Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to use the bathroom then having heartburn and occasionally hot flashes.
Craving: Soft serve ice cream, cookies, milk, five guys.
Symptoms: Out of breath when I am talking a lot or walking up the stairs, ribs hurt, veins all over my belly, braxton hicks have really slowed down this week I still get them randomly, but nothing too crazy!
Looking forward to: February! I can't believe it's tomorrow, but at the same time January had some really slow days.
What I am loving: Still loving the rolls, kicks, hiccups though they can get painful.
Days until:
33 week appt: 4 days
C-section: 49 days
Total pounds gained: 14lbs
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