Thursday, January 24, 2019

Week 31 baby #5

We had a scare last Friday and ended up having to go to the hospital to be monitored for a few hours for contractions. After a few inconsistent contractions and a closed/soft cervix I was able to be discharged. Though it was nice to see the new labor and delivery part of the hospital it really made me realize just how much I don't want to have our baby B yet. I don't want to leave the hospital without him. I don't want to see him all wired up in the NICU because he came too early. I've been there and I have done that three times before. It is really, really hard.

I had my 31 week appointment on Monday & it couldn't have gone better! My blood pressure was great 105/77 and my weight was 110.3lbs. My cervix went from measuring a 1.9 last Monday to a 2.9! Baby B has good amount of fluid and remains very low and head down. I am still on bedrest because obviously it is helping, but it's more like moderate bedrest now. We aren't out of the woods yet with having him early, but things are looking so much better this week! We are all set for a c- section on March 21st! I have never made it to my c-section date before it would be so special to make it all the way just once.

At 31 weeks baby is the size of a coconut weighing about 3.2lbs and measuring around 18inches.

I am still taking my Makena shot every week! They're really painful the medication is thick and takes a while to inject and it burns. Just 4 more to go!

Weight: 109.8

Sleep: It is getting hard to switch sides and waking up two to three times a night to use the bathroom isn't great either, but I fall asleep to kicks and wake up to hiccups so its all worth it.

Craving: Five guys, chick fila biscuits and their cookies, soft serve ice cream, frozen yogurt and ice chips. I also really want a pretzel bagel right now!

Symptoms: Hips and backaches, pressure, tired, heartburn usually just at night.

Looking forward to: Trent's 5th birthday TOMORROW! I can't wait to spoil our sweet T.

What I am loving: I love being pregnant. I love my kids rubbing my belly and talking to their baby brother. I love my husbands face when the baby kids so hard his foot sticks out of my stomach a few inches.

Days until:

32 Week Appt: 4

Csection: 56

Total Pounds Gained: 13


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