Thursday, January 17, 2019

Week 30 baby #5

I had my 30 week appointment on Monday. Same as last week baby B is looking great! He is estimated to weigh 3lbs and 3 oz. My cervix on the other hand has gotten even shorter measuring 1.9 down from 2.5 last week. It was not dilated, but is short and soft. I was put on bedrest by my doctor and to come back next Monday to measure it again. With having three out of four of our kids go to the NICU I really want to avoid him coming too early.

Januray 17th-23rd

At 30 weeks baby is the size of a butternut squash weighing about 3.1lbs and measuring 17 inches.

Weight: 108.8lbs

Sleep: Waking up a few times a night to use the bathroom or to get comfortable.

Craving: Cookies, cheeseburgers and soft serve ice cream.

Symptoms: Heartburn, low pressure, braxton hicks and back pain

Looking forward to: My doctors appointment on Monday to see how things are going, but at the same time I am scared to hear.

What I am loving: My husband, he is simply the best! Not only does he work a full time job (40+ minutes away), but he has taken over all of my mommy jobs. Packing lunches, picking out clothes, showering the kids, dinner, bedtime, dropping them all off at school, packing my hospital bag just in case, all of it! I am so thankful for him.

Days Until:

31 Week Appt: 4

C-Section: 63

Total Pounds Gained: 12


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