Thursday, January 3, 2019

Week 28 baby #5

Wow, I don't exactly know where the time has gone, but I am officially in the third trimester! We had a bit of a scare at the end of last week where I was having more braxton hicks contractions than usual so I called my doctor and she asked me to come in. Thankfully, everything was okay and I just need to try to take it easy for a few days!

January 3rd-9th

At 28 weeks baby B is the size of a large eggplant weighing about 2 1/4lbs and measuring 14.8 inches long.

Weight gain: 107.2

Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. It is getting a little harder to get out of the bed!

Craving: Nothing really

Symptoms: Heartburn, ribs hurt mostly at the end of the day, and exhaustion.

Looking forward to: Our 29 week appointment on Monday. I had to retake the one hour glucose test on Wednesday morning and I hope to hear that I passed.

What I am loving: The big kicks, rolls and hiccups!

Days Until:

29 week appointment: 4

C-section: 77

Total pounds gained: 11


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