Thursday, January 10, 2019

Week 29 baby #5

We had our 29 week appointment on Monday. I thought it would be a quick appointment, but it wasn't. Basically my cervix got even shorter and added with my many braxton hicks contractions it concerned my doctor. She asked for me to be put on a monitor to track any contractions. I had a few within the 20-30 minutes I was on it. My doctor was on the border of sending me to the hospital for an IV and to be monitored more, but luckily ultimately decided to send me home and to call if anything happens. I go back in one week to have my cervix checked again. The fantastic news is our boy is doing so well! He has plenty of fluid, great heart rate, moving and kicking around though he is very low. The ultrasound tech caught him practicing his breathing which I have been able to witness outside my belly as well at home a few times. My weight was good 107 which is up two pounds since my last appointment two weeks ago. Blood pressure was also good 122/70. If you don't follow me on Instagram I mentioned over there that I got the call on Friday I passed my glucose test! It was such a relief! Anything under 135 is passing and I received a 120.

January 10th-16th

At 29 weeks baby B is the size of a small cabbage weighing around 2.9lbs and measuring 17 inches long.

Weight gain: 106.8lbs 

Sleep: It is getting hard to switch sides and get out of bed, but I sleep well when I am asleep.

Craving: I still crave bad food like ice cream, fries, cookies, bread and cheese. Literally, everything that I ate with Rose looks gross to me. The texture of avocado grosses me out as well as oatmeal. I want to eat well, but I am really struggling this pregnancy to make better choices.

Symptoms: Rib pain, Braxton hicks, lower back pain and exhaustion

Looking forward to: Our appointment on Monday to see how things are going.

What I am loving: I love the big crazy kicks and stretches! Every single morning baby B has the hiccups after I have breakfast and it's my favorite! I am just trying to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy because who knows when it will end.

Days Until:

30 week appointment: 4

C-section: 70

Total pounds gained: 10


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