Thursday, January 31, 2019

Week 32 baby #5

I had my 32 week appointment on Monday and it went pretty well. I weighed 111.8 and my blood pressure was 107/66. My cervix measured 2.2 so down some from last week, but the doctor wasn't concerned. I go back next Monday, it should be a longer appointment where they get an estimate weight on baby B and monitor me for contractions for about 20 minutes.

At 32 weeks baby is the size of a head of lettuce weighing around 3.9lbs and about 19 inches long.


Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to use the bathroom then having heartburn and occasionally hot flashes.

Craving: Soft serve ice cream, cookies, milk, five guys.

Symptoms: Out of breath when I am talking a lot or walking up the stairs, ribs hurt, veins all over my belly, braxton hicks have really slowed down this week I still get them randomly, but nothing too crazy!

Looking forward to: February! I can't believe it's tomorrow, but at the same time January had some really slow days.

What I am loving: Still loving the rolls, kicks, hiccups though they can get painful.

Days until:

33 week appt: 4 days

C-section: 49 days

Total pounds gained: 14lbs

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Week 31 baby #5

We had a scare last Friday and ended up having to go to the hospital to be monitored for a few hours for contractions. After a few inconsistent contractions and a closed/soft cervix I was able to be discharged. Though it was nice to see the new labor and delivery part of the hospital it really made me realize just how much I don't want to have our baby B yet. I don't want to leave the hospital without him. I don't want to see him all wired up in the NICU because he came too early. I've been there and I have done that three times before. It is really, really hard.

I had my 31 week appointment on Monday & it couldn't have gone better! My blood pressure was great 105/77 and my weight was 110.3lbs. My cervix went from measuring a 1.9 last Monday to a 2.9! Baby B has good amount of fluid and remains very low and head down. I am still on bedrest because obviously it is helping, but it's more like moderate bedrest now. We aren't out of the woods yet with having him early, but things are looking so much better this week! We are all set for a c- section on March 21st! I have never made it to my c-section date before it would be so special to make it all the way just once.

At 31 weeks baby is the size of a coconut weighing about 3.2lbs and measuring around 18inches.

I am still taking my Makena shot every week! They're really painful the medication is thick and takes a while to inject and it burns. Just 4 more to go!

Weight: 109.8

Sleep: It is getting hard to switch sides and waking up two to three times a night to use the bathroom isn't great either, but I fall asleep to kicks and wake up to hiccups so its all worth it.

Craving: Five guys, chick fila biscuits and their cookies, soft serve ice cream, frozen yogurt and ice chips. I also really want a pretzel bagel right now!

Symptoms: Hips and backaches, pressure, tired, heartburn usually just at night.

Looking forward to: Trent's 5th birthday TOMORROW! I can't wait to spoil our sweet T.

What I am loving: I love being pregnant. I love my kids rubbing my belly and talking to their baby brother. I love my husbands face when the baby kids so hard his foot sticks out of my stomach a few inches.

Days until:

32 Week Appt: 4

Csection: 56

Total Pounds Gained: 13


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Week 30 baby #5

I had my 30 week appointment on Monday. Same as last week baby B is looking great! He is estimated to weigh 3lbs and 3 oz. My cervix on the other hand has gotten even shorter measuring 1.9 down from 2.5 last week. It was not dilated, but is short and soft. I was put on bedrest by my doctor and to come back next Monday to measure it again. With having three out of four of our kids go to the NICU I really want to avoid him coming too early.

Januray 17th-23rd

At 30 weeks baby is the size of a butternut squash weighing about 3.1lbs and measuring 17 inches.

Weight: 108.8lbs

Sleep: Waking up a few times a night to use the bathroom or to get comfortable.

Craving: Cookies, cheeseburgers and soft serve ice cream.

Symptoms: Heartburn, low pressure, braxton hicks and back pain

Looking forward to: My doctors appointment on Monday to see how things are going, but at the same time I am scared to hear.

What I am loving: My husband, he is simply the best! Not only does he work a full time job (40+ minutes away), but he has taken over all of my mommy jobs. Packing lunches, picking out clothes, showering the kids, dinner, bedtime, dropping them all off at school, packing my hospital bag just in case, all of it! I am so thankful for him.

Days Until:

31 Week Appt: 4

C-Section: 63

Total Pounds Gained: 12


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Week 29 baby #5

We had our 29 week appointment on Monday. I thought it would be a quick appointment, but it wasn't. Basically my cervix got even shorter and added with my many braxton hicks contractions it concerned my doctor. She asked for me to be put on a monitor to track any contractions. I had a few within the 20-30 minutes I was on it. My doctor was on the border of sending me to the hospital for an IV and to be monitored more, but luckily ultimately decided to send me home and to call if anything happens. I go back in one week to have my cervix checked again. The fantastic news is our boy is doing so well! He has plenty of fluid, great heart rate, moving and kicking around though he is very low. The ultrasound tech caught him practicing his breathing which I have been able to witness outside my belly as well at home a few times. My weight was good 107 which is up two pounds since my last appointment two weeks ago. Blood pressure was also good 122/70. If you don't follow me on Instagram I mentioned over there that I got the call on Friday I passed my glucose test! It was such a relief! Anything under 135 is passing and I received a 120.

January 10th-16th

At 29 weeks baby B is the size of a small cabbage weighing around 2.9lbs and measuring 17 inches long.

Weight gain: 106.8lbs 

Sleep: It is getting hard to switch sides and get out of bed, but I sleep well when I am asleep.

Craving: I still crave bad food like ice cream, fries, cookies, bread and cheese. Literally, everything that I ate with Rose looks gross to me. The texture of avocado grosses me out as well as oatmeal. I want to eat well, but I am really struggling this pregnancy to make better choices.

Symptoms: Rib pain, Braxton hicks, lower back pain and exhaustion

Looking forward to: Our appointment on Monday to see how things are going.

What I am loving: I love the big crazy kicks and stretches! Every single morning baby B has the hiccups after I have breakfast and it's my favorite! I am just trying to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy because who knows when it will end.

Days Until:

30 week appointment: 4

C-section: 70

Total pounds gained: 10


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Week 28 baby #5

Wow, I don't exactly know where the time has gone, but I am officially in the third trimester! We had a bit of a scare at the end of last week where I was having more braxton hicks contractions than usual so I called my doctor and she asked me to come in. Thankfully, everything was okay and I just need to try to take it easy for a few days!

January 3rd-9th

At 28 weeks baby B is the size of a large eggplant weighing about 2 1/4lbs and measuring 14.8 inches long.

Weight gain: 107.2

Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. It is getting a little harder to get out of the bed!

Craving: Nothing really

Symptoms: Heartburn, ribs hurt mostly at the end of the day, and exhaustion.

Looking forward to: Our 29 week appointment on Monday. I had to retake the one hour glucose test on Wednesday morning and I hope to hear that I passed.

What I am loving: The big kicks, rolls and hiccups!

Days Until:

29 week appointment: 4

C-section: 77

Total pounds gained: 11
