Thursday, December 6, 2018

Week 24 baby #5

December 6- December 12

How am I already 6 months pregnant? Just a few more months and we will be holding our beautiful boy!

We had our 24 week appointment on Monday. Baby B weighed 1lb and 7oz which is exactly what Trent weighed at his 24 week appointment. Oliver weighed 1lb 5oz and Rose weighed 1lb 4oz. He is completely breech which is fine because it is still early and also because I am getting a c-section. His heart was beating away at 138bpm! I had the option of scheduling our c-section date at the appointment, but Matt had to leave early so I didn't want to schedule it without him.  As of now we are looking at the dates of March 14th, 15th or 21st.

My weight was 102.3lbs and my blood pressure was 118/51.

At 24 weeks the baby is the size of a cantaloupe about 11.8 inches and 1.3lbs.

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 102.4lbs

Sleep: Crazy and vivid dreams

Craving: Chocolate, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, grilled cheese and oatmeal cookies.

Movement: Baby boy is breech just like I thought, his kicks have been pretty low recently. From what I read babies usually don't turn until 26-28 weeks.

Symptoms: I was a chaperone for Landon's field trip in Washington D.C. on Monday by the time I got home that afternoon my whole body hurt. I have been extra tired this week, braxton hicks a few times a day and very thirsty.

What I am looking forward to: Christmas!


Days until next appointment: Will be on Christmas Eve
Days until Christmas: 19
Days until due date: 111

Total pounds gained: 6


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