Thursday, December 27, 2018

Week 27 baby #5

Last week before the third trimester!
December 27th-January 2nd
27 weeks with Rose

On Monday, I had my 27 week doctor appointment even though I was technically only 26 weeks 4 days along. According to their scale weigh 105.0lbs which is up almost 3 pounds since my last appointment 3 weeks ago. My blood pressure was 114/66. Baby B weighed 2lbs 2oz which is one ounce more than Landon weighed when he was born (at 27 weeks 5 days!) Baby is now head down which is much more comfortable for me and his heart rate was 148 beats per minute.

The bad news is I failed my glucose test for the first time ever AND it was only by two points (passing is 135 my score was 137.) I had a few options and decided to retake the one hour test after fasting because I didn't fast last time (per orders.) I was shocked I failed it because I usually always pass with flying colors like with Rose I scored a 78! Hopefully, I pass this one hour test so I don't have to do the dreaded three hour one.

In other not so great news is my cervix has become significantly shorter this appointment than last time. We will be checking it again in two weeks, but it is still closed which is obviously great! We were able to schedule my c-section for March 21st. I have been told by multiple doctors I won't be making it to that date with my history with preterm labor, but I still have hope! 

At 27 weeks baby is the size of a cauliflower weighing about 2lbs and is around 14 1/2 inches long according to BabyCenter.

Weight gain: 105.4lbs

Sleep: With the holidays I've been extra exhausted. When I sleep I usually sleep well sometimes I wake up really early like 3 or 4am and can't fall back asleep though.

Craving: The usual chocolate, cookies, cheese and bread. Having failed my glucose test has made me really rethink my eating habits this pregnancy. All I crave is junk food and it been like that since the beginning. I only have 12 weeks left so I have made it my goal to completely change my diet.

Symptoms: Tired, lower back pain, weird vivid dreams.

Looking forward to: Matt and my 7th wedding anniversary is on New Years Eve!

What I am loving: The rolls and the hiccups! 

Days until: 

29 week appointment: 11 
Third trimester: 7
C-section date: 84

Total pounds gained: 9


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Week 26 baby #5

December 20th- 26th
26 weeks inside the womb usually look like this, but our baby looks more like this... 
totally breech.

This week baby is the size of a scallion or a head of lettuce weighing about 1 2/3lbs and measures 14 inches.

Weight gain: 104.4lbs

Sleep: Sleep is going pretty well! I am so exhausted all the time though. There were a few nights this week I woke up to use the bathroom and then couldn't fall back asleep because the baby was kicking.

Craving: Chocolate and Christmas cookies

Symptoms: Exhaustion, ears popping, lower back pain and dry skin.

Since switching to our high risk doctor Matt has had to take over giving me my weekly Makena shot. Only TEN more to go!

What I am looking forward to: Our 27 week appointment on Monday and of course Christmas!

Days until:

Our next ultrasound: 4
Christmas: 5
Until the third trimester:14
Due date: 98

Total pounds gained: 8

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Week 25 baby #5

December 13th-19th

At 25 weeks baby measures about 13 1/2 inches and weighs around a pound and a half.

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 102.8lbs

Craving: Soup, grilled cheese, mozzarella sticks and pizza... really anything warm and cheesy!

Movement: Big kicks mostly in the morning and in the evening. This might seem early to some, but I definitely felt some hiccups a few times this week too!

Symptoms: Lower back pain, exhaustion, major dry skin head to toe, braxton hicks about once a day. My stuffy nose during the night has returned as well as the bad taste in my mouth.

Looking forward to: We have our last 4D elective ultrasound tonight the whole family is coming!


Days until out next doctor appointment: 11

Days until the third trimester: 20

Days until the due date: 104, but we will be meeting him in around 97 or less days because of my repeat c-section and with my history with preterm labor no one really knows when.

Total pounds gained: 6


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Week 24 baby #5

December 6- December 12

How am I already 6 months pregnant? Just a few more months and we will be holding our beautiful boy!

We had our 24 week appointment on Monday. Baby B weighed 1lb and 7oz which is exactly what Trent weighed at his 24 week appointment. Oliver weighed 1lb 5oz and Rose weighed 1lb 4oz. He is completely breech which is fine because it is still early and also because I am getting a c-section. His heart was beating away at 138bpm! I had the option of scheduling our c-section date at the appointment, but Matt had to leave early so I didn't want to schedule it without him.  As of now we are looking at the dates of March 14th, 15th or 21st.

My weight was 102.3lbs and my blood pressure was 118/51.

At 24 weeks the baby is the size of a cantaloupe about 11.8 inches and 1.3lbs.

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 102.4lbs

Sleep: Crazy and vivid dreams

Craving: Chocolate, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, grilled cheese and oatmeal cookies.

Movement: Baby boy is breech just like I thought, his kicks have been pretty low recently. From what I read babies usually don't turn until 26-28 weeks.

Symptoms: I was a chaperone for Landon's field trip in Washington D.C. on Monday by the time I got home that afternoon my whole body hurt. I have been extra tired this week, braxton hicks a few times a day and very thirsty.

What I am looking forward to: Christmas!


Days until next appointment: Will be on Christmas Eve
Days until Christmas: 19
Days until due date: 111

Total pounds gained: 6
