Thursday, November 22, 2018

Week 22 baby #5

Novemeber 22nd-28th 

At 22 weeks baby is the size of a spaghetti squash almost 1 pound and 11 inches long.

During our ultrasound on Monday our baby boy estimated to weigh 1lb. and 2oz! 

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 100.2lbs

Sleep: Very vivid, strange dreams and waking up to use the bathroom at least once.

Eating: Soup, grilled cheese, chicken lo mein, chili, carrots, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers and ice cream. Eating as much as I can!

Movement: This past week I have been waking up to kicks around 4am! They're literally strong enough to wake me from sleeping then I can't fall back asleep. 

Symptoms: Itchy skin, vivid dreams, braxton hicks and exhaustion.

What I am looking forward to: We have our second 4D ultrasound this Saturday! I think for the last one in the package we will go around 29/30 weeks. The tech said since I am very petite the baby will be harder to see much past 30 weeks. 


Days until our 24 week appointment: 11 days
Day until due date: 125
Days until Christmas: 33

Total pounds gained: 4

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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