Thursday, November 15, 2018

Week 21 baby #5

November 15th-21st

At 21 weeks baby is the size of a carrot about 12.7 ounces and 10.5 inches long.

Weight gain: At my appointment last week my doctor said she wanted me to gain on average a pound a week. Some weeks I will gain two (like last week) and other weeks I won't gain any like this week. As of this morning I weigh 98.2lbs.

Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.

Eating: Pretzel bagels with cream cheese, turkey sandwiches, chips and chili has been a new craving!

Movement: Yes and lots of it! Just like the last few weeks I mostly feel him in the mornings and in the evenings.

Symptoms: Mild headaches, stuffy nose usually in the morning and itchy belly.

What I am looking forward to: Rose has her first ballet recital this weekend. I am so excited to watch her dance in her little costume. Matt is even doing a father/daughter dance on the stage with her! I also can't wait for our ultrasound on Monday to see how big our baby boy is.


Days until next ultrasound: 4
Days until next OBGYN appointment: 13
Days until Thanksgiving: 7
Days until due date: 132

Total pounds gained: 2

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