Thursday, November 1, 2018

Week 19 baby #5

November 1st- November 7th

At 19 weeks the baby is the size of a tomato or 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces.

I mentioned last week we were going to have an elective 4D ultrasound! We went on Tuesday evening with my parents and all the kids. The baby was in the pike position, literally knee to head. We saw our sweet baby yawn and suck on their hands. It was so special to have our other babies there to watch their newest sibling on a big screen. They were very excited! 

The weeks literally keep flying by. I am officially in month five of this pregnancy and it is already halfway over! We are having a repeat c-section at either 38 or 39 weeks, but with my history that would be the best case.

Weight gain: Well as of this morning I weigh 96.4lbs. I went to my OBGYN yesterday and she was concerned of my lack of weight gain not necessarily for the baby, but for my milk supply when baby comes. If I don't gain enough weight during this pregnancy it will effect my supply. My lack of weight gain this week has to do with a horrible head cold. I was so sick for days nothing sounded good to eat. I had a lot of potato and chicken noodle soup. My doctor would like me to gain 3 to 4 pounds by my next visit in 4 weeks! 

Sleep: Sleep has been rough. I would wake up to go to the bathroom around 2 am and not be able to go back to sleep because my nose was so stuffy and my throat was dry and sore. After tossing and turning for a while I would eventually give up and go downstairs. 

Movement: A lot of kicks especially in the morning and at night. They're getting stronger each week! 

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, cold feet, exhaustion and itchy belly.

Craving: I do love warm pretzel bagels with cream cheese and pizza! 

What I am loving: Being at the half way point! During my doctors appointment she explained that the reason they would want me to go in for a schedule c-section at 38 weeks is because this is my fifth one and my uterus might be stretching thin. I don't think they will really be able to determine that until they deliver, but they want to be careful because it is more likely to rupture if thats the case.

My previous doctor always said I had hardly any scar tissue and never mentioned my uterus being thin. My new OBGYN said they might be able to order a ultrasound closer to the end of my pregnancy to measure how thick it is. I really want to do everything I can to keep this sweet baby in until the c-section date whenever we schedule it!

What I am looking forward to: The big anatomy scan on Tuesday. I am excited to hear how big our baby is! 

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