Thursday, November 29, 2018

Week 23 baby #5

November 29-December 05

At 23 weeks baby is the size of a large mango 12 inches long and weighed over a pound.

I had an elective 4D ultrasound on Saturday and witnessed our sweet boy sucking away on the cord! He has some fuzz already growing on his head and from the looks of it he has Matt's widows peak. We are so in love!

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 101.2lbs

Sleep: Sleeping is still going well! I have vivid dream and usually wake at least once to use the bathroom.

Eating: Soups, grilled cheese, cereal, carrots, hot chocolate, chocolate milk

Movement: Less little jabs and more slow big rolls!

Symptoms: Nothing new just the same braxton kicks, exhaustion, dry skin and hunger.  My Makena shots have been really itchy at the injection sight. From what I have read this is common. Just 13 more to go...

What I am looking forward to: I am really enjoying decorating for Christmas and doing fun family holiday activities! Also, I can't wait for our ultrasound on Monday to see how big our boy is!


Days until 24 week ultrasound: 4
Days until Christmas: 26
Days until due date: 119

Total pounds gained: 5


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Week 22 baby #5

Novemeber 22nd-28th 

At 22 weeks baby is the size of a spaghetti squash almost 1 pound and 11 inches long.

During our ultrasound on Monday our baby boy estimated to weigh 1lb. and 2oz! 

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 100.2lbs

Sleep: Very vivid, strange dreams and waking up to use the bathroom at least once.

Eating: Soup, grilled cheese, chicken lo mein, chili, carrots, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers and ice cream. Eating as much as I can!

Movement: This past week I have been waking up to kicks around 4am! They're literally strong enough to wake me from sleeping then I can't fall back asleep. 

Symptoms: Itchy skin, vivid dreams, braxton hicks and exhaustion.

What I am looking forward to: We have our second 4D ultrasound this Saturday! I think for the last one in the package we will go around 29/30 weeks. The tech said since I am very petite the baby will be harder to see much past 30 weeks. 


Days until our 24 week appointment: 11 days
Day until due date: 125
Days until Christmas: 33

Total pounds gained: 4

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Week 21 baby #5

November 15th-21st

At 21 weeks baby is the size of a carrot about 12.7 ounces and 10.5 inches long.

Weight gain: At my appointment last week my doctor said she wanted me to gain on average a pound a week. Some weeks I will gain two (like last week) and other weeks I won't gain any like this week. As of this morning I weigh 98.2lbs.

Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.

Eating: Pretzel bagels with cream cheese, turkey sandwiches, chips and chili has been a new craving!

Movement: Yes and lots of it! Just like the last few weeks I mostly feel him in the mornings and in the evenings.

Symptoms: Mild headaches, stuffy nose usually in the morning and itchy belly.

What I am looking forward to: Rose has her first ballet recital this weekend. I am so excited to watch her dance in her little costume. Matt is even doing a father/daughter dance on the stage with her! I also can't wait for our ultrasound on Monday to see how big our baby boy is.


Days until next ultrasound: 4
Days until next OBGYN appointment: 13
Days until Thanksgiving: 7
Days until due date: 132

Total pounds gained: 2

Friday, November 9, 2018


That's right baby number five is a BOY! For some reason since the beginning of this pregnancy most of our family and friends have guessed this baby was going to be a girl. It even made me start to lean girl most days! I did have a very vivid dream weeks ago that I delivered a baby boy that has been my only dream about this baby. Years ago when I was pregnant with Rose I had multiple dreams that I had pink hair well before we found out she was in fact a girl! 

Since finding out I was pregnant, I haven't had the urgency that I did with all my other pregnancies to know who is in there! I finally have the daughter I had been dreaming of with Rose and let me tell you she is as girly and sassy as they come. There is something so special about her still being the only princess and having all these amazing bothers to protect her! Who knows, maybe one day she will even get a baby sister! Our plan was to wait until the birth to find out the gender, but at our ultrasound this little angel had other plans! We don't feel disappointed about knowing and we are actually very excited to start preparing more now.

I am thrilled to be bringing another sweet boy into our family! My sons have always been Mama's boys and are truly so loving. After watching this little one all balled up in there I can confidently say we have another snuggler on our hands and I can't wait for March to cuddle him up and smother his face with kisses. 

A big thank you to Roe & Co. for capturing this special moment for our family! 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Pink Blush Maternity

If you follow along on my Instagram (melissaaworthington) you probably already saw my post gushing about one of my favorite maternity brands Pink Blush.  I have been styling my baby bumps with their comfortable and budget friendly clothes since 2014. Recently, they were kind enough to send me a few new Fall items pictured and linked below. I have been wearing them on repeat since!


Week 20 baby #5

November 8th-14th

At 20 weeks baby is the size of a banana or about 10.5oz and 6.5 inches long.

We had our 20 week scan this week and most importantly everything looked great! Our sweet baby was all types of curled up and squirming around making it impossible to take measurements, which made the ultrasound take over an hour. Our baby weighs 12oz which is in the 64th percentile and their heart was beating at 154 beats per minute. Rose was 10oz and Trent was 13oz at this scan so baby #5 is right on track.

Weight gain: Started out at 96.3lbs and as of this morning I weigh 98.0lbs!

Sleep: Sleep has been much better now that I am finally getting over this cold. The time change though has me going to bed even earlier than usual and waking up very early.

Eating: I have been so hungry this past week! Specifically eating turkey sandwiches (meat heated), pizza, carrots, pretzel bagels, chips, string cheese, fries and halloween candy!

Movement: Many big movements this week I have even been able to see some from the outside. I also noticed the kicks are higher much closer to my belly button.

What I am loving: The bigger kicks and the bigger belly!

Symptoms: Stuffy nose, itchy growing belly, exhaustion, random headaches and braxton hicks. I know I can't believe it either... I already feel braxton hicks contractions a few times a day. I brought it up to my doctor and he wasn't concerned and he said as long as they aren't a few times an hour it is fine.

Days until next ultrasound: 11 days

Days until next OBGYN appointment: 20 days

Days until Thanksgiving: 14 days

Days until due date: 139 days

Total pounds gained this pregnancy: 2

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Week 19 baby #5

November 1st- November 7th

At 19 weeks the baby is the size of a tomato or 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces.

I mentioned last week we were going to have an elective 4D ultrasound! We went on Tuesday evening with my parents and all the kids. The baby was in the pike position, literally knee to head. We saw our sweet baby yawn and suck on their hands. It was so special to have our other babies there to watch their newest sibling on a big screen. They were very excited! 

The weeks literally keep flying by. I am officially in month five of this pregnancy and it is already halfway over! We are having a repeat c-section at either 38 or 39 weeks, but with my history that would be the best case.

Weight gain: Well as of this morning I weigh 96.4lbs. I went to my OBGYN yesterday and she was concerned of my lack of weight gain not necessarily for the baby, but for my milk supply when baby comes. If I don't gain enough weight during this pregnancy it will effect my supply. My lack of weight gain this week has to do with a horrible head cold. I was so sick for days nothing sounded good to eat. I had a lot of potato and chicken noodle soup. My doctor would like me to gain 3 to 4 pounds by my next visit in 4 weeks! 

Sleep: Sleep has been rough. I would wake up to go to the bathroom around 2 am and not be able to go back to sleep because my nose was so stuffy and my throat was dry and sore. After tossing and turning for a while I would eventually give up and go downstairs. 

Movement: A lot of kicks especially in the morning and at night. They're getting stronger each week! 

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, cold feet, exhaustion and itchy belly.

Craving: I do love warm pretzel bagels with cream cheese and pizza! 

What I am loving: Being at the half way point! During my doctors appointment she explained that the reason they would want me to go in for a schedule c-section at 38 weeks is because this is my fifth one and my uterus might be stretching thin. I don't think they will really be able to determine that until they deliver, but they want to be careful because it is more likely to rupture if thats the case.

My previous doctor always said I had hardly any scar tissue and never mentioned my uterus being thin. My new OBGYN said they might be able to order a ultrasound closer to the end of my pregnancy to measure how thick it is. I really want to do everything I can to keep this sweet baby in until the c-section date whenever we schedule it!

What I am looking forward to: The big anatomy scan on Tuesday. I am excited to hear how big our baby is! 