October 25th to October 31st
At 18 weeks the baby is the size of a sweet potato.
On Monday we had our 18 week appointment. Our sweet little baby was kicking all around even the tech felt one. His or her heart was beating away at 151BPM and looks perfect!
Weight gain: My start weight was 96.3lbs and as of this morning I weigh 96.8lbs.
Sleep: I wake up once or twice a night to use the bathroom. Since right before I tested positive I've been having the weirdest dreams!
Movement: A few days ago the baby was having a dance party in my tummy and Landon and Oliver were able to feel little kicks from the outside for the first time! My heart melted as I watched their little faces light up with happiness. This is the start of my favorite part of pregnancy - bring on all the jabs, kicks and rolls!
Craving: Still craving unhealthy foods such as grilled cheese, chips, pretzel bagels, potato soup, baked potato, mozzarella sticks and PIZZA! I do my best to have some fruits or vegetables everyday though.
What I am loving: Everything. I feel so thankful everyday to get the opportunity to carry and grow life inside my belly for the fifth time. It is such a blessing.
What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to all Halloween activities this weekend! Our kids have been so excited all month to dress up. Trent and Rose have a parade at their preschool and I absolutely love seeing all the little ones dress up each year! As an early Christmas gift Matt bought me a elective 4D ultrasound package that comes with three visit so you can watch your little one grow at each stage. We are taking the kids and my parents to go see the baby for the first time this Tuesday and I can't wait!
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