October 18th - October 24th
At 17 weeks the baby is the size of a turnip!
Weight gain: This morning I weigh 96.0! Officially, back up to my start weight and I hope to gain a pound a week from here on out putting me around 20lbs at the end.
Sleep: Very vivid and strange dreams every night! Waking up to use the bathroom once or twice a night and having trouble going back to sleep.
Craving: Cheese and bread, pizza (preferably white) and mozzarella sticks.
Movement: I have been feeling kicks on the outside all week and this morning Matt even felt two!
What I am loving: Feeling our sweet baby's kicks multiple times a day. I feel much more relaxed so I don't need to use the doppler as often.
Symptoms: I am very thankful my morning sickness is pretty much gone, but my new symptoms include headaches, heartburn, and severe exhaustion.
What I am looking forward to: I can't wait for our kids to feel the kicks too!
Doppler: Ranged in the mid 150s this week.
I got my first Makena last Thursday and I will continue to get them every Thursday by a nurse until I am 36 weeks. My arm was sore for about two days, but overall it wasn't bad! It was just a lot of pressure and she had to push it in slowly.
I have my 18 week ultrasound on Monday then the big 20 week ultrasound November 6th.
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