At 15 weeks the baby is the size of a navel orange.
I have felt pretty good! A couple moments of nausea, but nothing too bad! This past Monday I met with my OB and she answered some of my questions, I got the flu shot and we heard the baby's heartbeat!
His/her heartbeat ranged in the high 150s this week.
Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 94.8lbs. I am hoping to gain about a pound a week from now until my c-section date. That would put me right around 23lbs of weight gain! One thing my doctor mentioned was scheduling the delivery for 38 weeks that would be the furthest along I have gone, but I am hoping with the help of the progesterone shots we make it to whatever date we pick!
Symptoms: Like mentioned above my nausea has been much better this week. A few mild waves here and there, but over all much better! Vivid dreams, exhaustion and headaches some days.
I had this one dream last week where I delivered the baby at 33 weeks and it was a boy! He had blue eyes and caramel colored hair very similar to Trent's coloring when he was born. For whatever reason I never started my progesterone shots and Matt was telling me in the dream that I had to take the baby to the NICU. I kept trying to get off the elevator at the NICU and it kept passing that level. It all felt so real!
Craving: Baked potato soup, grilled cheese and pizza. Basically, I am all about cheese and bread this week and no meat protein.
Movement: At the boys soccer practice this week I felt a few jabs/wiggles, but it was hard to focus on them because there was a lot going on. I can't wait for the upcoming weeks where they become full blow kicks.
What I am loving: Feeling better and being able to eat more!
Monday is my 16 week ultrasound and next Thursday morning is my first dose of progesterone.
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