Thursday, October 25, 2018

Week 18 baby #5

October 25th to October 31st

At 18 weeks the baby is the size of a sweet potato.

On Monday we had our 18 week appointment. Our sweet little baby was kicking all around even the tech felt one. His or her heart was beating away at 151BPM and looks perfect!

Weight gain: My start weight was 96.3lbs and as of this morning I weigh 96.8lbs.

Sleep: I wake up once or twice a night to use the bathroom. Since right before I tested positive I've been having the weirdest dreams!

Movement: A few days ago the baby was having a dance party in my tummy and Landon and Oliver were able to feel little kicks from the outside for the first time! My heart melted as I watched their little faces light up with happiness.  This is the start of my favorite part of pregnancy - bring on all the jabs, kicks and rolls!

Symptoms: Exhaustion is the biggest one this week! I have slowly added a small amount of coffee back into my mornings and I feel like it has really helped with my headaches. Round ligament pains have started and they aren't fun. Stuffy nose, but usually just in the mornings. I woke up one morning this week and my belly button was completely level with the rest of my stomach. It hasn't popped out just yet, but any week now it will be sticking out for the world to see. Haha!

Craving: Still craving unhealthy foods such as grilled cheese, chips, pretzel bagels, potato soup, baked potato, mozzarella sticks and PIZZA!  I do my best to have some fruits or vegetables everyday though.

What I am loving: Everything. I feel so thankful everyday to get the opportunity to carry and grow life inside my belly for the fifth time. It is such a blessing.

What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to all Halloween activities this weekend! Our kids have been so excited all month to dress up. Trent and Rose have a parade at their preschool and I absolutely love seeing all the little ones dress up each year! As an early Christmas gift Matt bought me a elective 4D ultrasound package that comes with three visit so you can watch your little one grow at each stage. We are taking the kids and my parents to go see the baby for the first time this Tuesday and I can't wait!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week 17 baby #5

October 18th - October 24th

At 17 weeks the baby is the size of a turnip!

Weight gain: This morning I weigh 96.0! Officially, back up to my start weight and I hope to gain a pound a week from here on out putting me around 20lbs at the end.

Sleep: Very vivid and strange dreams every night! Waking up to use the bathroom once or twice a night and having trouble going back to sleep.

Craving: Cheese and bread, pizza (preferably white) and mozzarella sticks.

Movement: I have been feeling kicks on the outside all week and this morning Matt even felt two!

What I am loving: Feeling our sweet baby's kicks multiple times a day. I feel much more relaxed so I don't need to use the doppler as often.

Symptoms: I am very thankful my morning sickness is pretty much gone, but my new symptoms include headaches, heartburn, and severe exhaustion.

What I am looking forward to: I can't wait for our kids to feel the kicks too!

Doppler: Ranged in the mid 150s this week.

I got my first Makena last Thursday and I will continue to get them every Thursday by a nurse until I am 36 weeks. My arm was sore for about two days, but overall it wasn't bad! It was just a lot of pressure and she had to push it in slowly.

I have my 18 week ultrasound on Monday then the big 20 week ultrasound November 6th.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week 16 baby #5

October 11th -October 17th

At 16 weeks the baby is the size of a avocado.

We had our 16 week ultrasound on Monday and it went so well! Our little one was all curled up with his/her knees up by their arms. The tech was amazing and took her time explaining everything she was looking for including the four chambers of the heart, bladder, stomach, kidneys, etc. and said he/she looks perfect! Their heart was beating away at 148bpm and he/she weighs approximately 5oz which is in the 49th percentile. My placenta is still posterior and will remain that way which I am thankful for because it lowers my chances of placenta previa. Since having 4 previous c-sections I am at a higher risk, but with it in the back my chances are much lower. 

Today is my first shot of progesterone! I am hoping I don't have a reaction and all goes smoothly. I will be getting them weekly at my OBGYN until around 36 weeks. 

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 95.2lbs. This is still down one pound from my starting weight, but everyday I am feeling better and starting to eat more. 

Sleep: Waking up one to two times a night to use the bathroom. I am still having very weird and vivid dreams. 

Craving: Pizza, potato soup, cheese and bagels. Meat is still an aversion!  

Movement: Same as the last few weeks a few jabs here and there nothing consistent really, but we did see our little guy or girl kicking around during the ultrasound. I could have watched them all day! 

What I'm loving: Feeling so much better! 

Symptoms: Stuffy nose in the morning, vivid dreams, waking up to use the bathroom, out of breath going up the stairs, dry skin on my stomach/itchy stomach, mild headaches a few times a week and exhaustion! 

What I am looking forward to: I am really looking forward to the upcoming weeks! I can't wait to a bigger belly and feel bigger more consistent kicks! I am really looking forward to when the kids can feel the baby too. I know they will love that! 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Week 15 baby #5

October 4th-October 10th

At 15 weeks the baby is the size of a navel orange.

I have felt pretty good! A couple moments of nausea, but nothing too bad! This past Monday I met with my OB and she answered some of my questions, I got the flu shot and we heard the baby's heartbeat!

His/her heartbeat ranged in the high 150s this week.

Weight gain: As of this morning I weigh 94.8lbs. I am hoping to gain about a pound a week from now until my c-section date. That would put me right around 23lbs of weight gain! One thing my doctor mentioned was scheduling the delivery for 38 weeks that would be the furthest along I have gone, but I am hoping with the help of the progesterone shots we make it to whatever date we pick!
Symptoms: Like mentioned above my nausea has been much better this week. A few mild waves here and there, but over all much better! Vivid dreams, exhaustion and headaches some days.

I had this one dream last week where I delivered the baby at 33 weeks and it was a boy! He had blue eyes and caramel colored hair very similar to Trent's coloring when he was born. For whatever reason I never started my progesterone shots and Matt was telling me in the dream that I had to take the baby to the NICU. I kept trying to get off the elevator at the NICU and it kept passing that level.  It all felt so real!

Craving: Baked potato soup, grilled cheese and pizza. Basically, I am all about cheese and bread this week and no meat protein.

Movement: At the boys soccer practice this week I felt a few jabs/wiggles, but it was hard to focus on them because there was a lot going on. I can't wait for the upcoming weeks where they become full blow kicks.

What I am loving: Feeling better and being able to eat more!

Monday is my 16 week ultrasound and next Thursday morning is my first dose of progesterone.