Thursday, September 20, 2018

Week 13 baby #5

September 20-September 26th

At 13 weeks the baby is the size of a peach.

Second Trimester is HERE!!! Some say it started last week and some say it starts next week. My pregnancy app (pregnancy+) says it starts today so I am just going to go with that! Like most pregnant woman the second trimester is my favorite.

Finally, seeing a baby bump this week!

Weight gain/loss: 95.2lbs down one pound since the start of this pregnancy. 

Symptoms: Morning sickness, I have felt pretty sick every morning this week. I don't feel like eating when I wake up, but if I don't eat it gets worse. Some more symptoms this week include fatigue, vivid dreams and mild heartburn. 

Craving: Nothing this week. 

Movement: A few gently jabs here and there. 

Home Doppler: Ranged 165-168bpm 


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