Thursday, September 13, 2018

Week 12 baby #5

September 14th -19th 

At 12 weeks the baby is the size of a large plum. 

A little tiny baby bump this week? Maybe?

Weight gain/loss: 94.6lbs down about one pound since the start of this pregnancy.

Symptoms: Vivid weird dreams, weird taste in my mouth, waking up to use the restroom during the night and nausea throughout the day. Usually, I feel sick if I eat too much or it has been too long since I have eaten.

Cravings: Finally, had my first craving this week and it couldn't be more cliche... PICKLES! I am obsessed! I want them on my sandwich and on the side. I was looking back at Trent's 12 week post (linked at the top of the page) and I noticed I was also craving pickles this week!

Movement: I know it is suuuper early, but I think I felt one or two gently jabs this week. In the past, I started to feel them around 14 weeks. My placenta is posterior this time and with Rose it was anterior. When it is anterior the placenta cushions the baby's kicks and you probably won't feel them as early.

Home Doppler: Ranged from 167-173bpm

Tomorrow is my NT scan I can't wait to see our little one bouncing around! I will be writing a post all about it and one on old wives tales which are always fun!


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