Sunday, September 9, 2018

Week 11 baby #5

September 6th- September 12th
11 weeks with Trent
11 weeks with Rose
At 11 weeks the baby is the size of a lime.

Weight gain/loss: 95.2lbs down one pound since the start of this pregnancy. I feel like I was showing a little with Trent and Rose at this point. Despite weighing pretty much the same I can honestly say there is NO bump... yet!

This week, I cut a few inches off my hair! I was so excited to take sometime for myself because this haircut was long overdue. I also turned 28 on September 7th! A big thank you to my family for making it an extra special day.

Symptoms: Still vivid dreams, fatigue and all day nausea. I have big waves of nausea throughout the day.  Luckily, it usually isn't bad enough to make me physically get sick, only enough to make me feel like all food is disgusting. I noticed that if I eat too much I feel sick or if it has been too long since I have eaten I feel sick. New this week is that I feel out of breath easily. For example, once I get to the top of the stairs I have to take a deep breath in as if I just ran a bunch.

Home doppler: I noticed over this past week the heartbeat has slowed down some. It was ranging upper 170's to low 180's occasionally high 180's now it is high 160's. I am actually glad to see it in more of a normal range because over our vacation it got up to 195bpm!

Here is our little blessing at 11 weeks heart rate was 173bpm:

NT Scan: Our NT scan has been moved up to this Friday! I will be 12 weeks 1 day.

Have a great week!


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