Sunday, September 2, 2018

Week 10 baby #5

August 30th- September 5th

10 weeks with Trent
10 weeks with Rose
At 10 weeks the baby is the size of strawberry!

Weight gain/loss- 94.8lbs so down a little from last week. We had an amazing time at Disney World, but the heat and humidity made my nausea worse. It was hard pushing a stroller all around the park and we had trouble finding more than hot dogs, popcorn, fries and frozen lemonades.

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, waves of nausea, fatigue and waking up to use the bathroom then feeling too sick to fall back asleep. 

We had an ultrasound at 10 weeks 1 day and everything looked great! We were able to see our little ones arms and legs moving around. Their heart was beating away at 178 bpm (exactly what Rose was at 10 weeks and close to Trent at 180 bpm!) Next ultrasound will be at 12 weeks 5 days for my NT scan. 


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