Friday, August 24, 2018

Week 9 baby #5

Week 9: August 23-August 29

This week the baby is a size of green olive.

Weight gain/loss- 95.2lbs this week so down a little from last week. I still haven't been actually throwing up, but I have waves of intense nausea throughout the day. I especially feel sick if its been too long since I have eaten.

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, waves of nausea, fatigue and waking up to use the bathroom then feeling too sick to fall back asleep. 

I found the baby's heartbeat on my at home doppler this past weekend (8 weeks 3 days!) I literally started crying when I heard it because I was about to give up looking and then there it was!! Ranging 176-181 bpm

We are leaving for Disney World this Saturday! I would be lying if I said I am not scared of the 13+ hour drive with my nausea.


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