Friday, August 24, 2018

Week 9 baby #5

Week 9: August 23-August 29

This week the baby is a size of green olive.

Weight gain/loss- 95.2lbs this week so down a little from last week. I still haven't been actually throwing up, but I have waves of intense nausea throughout the day. I especially feel sick if its been too long since I have eaten.

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, waves of nausea, fatigue and waking up to use the bathroom then feeling too sick to fall back asleep. 

I found the baby's heartbeat on my at home doppler this past weekend (8 weeks 3 days!) I literally started crying when I heard it because I was about to give up looking and then there it was!! Ranging 176-181 bpm

We are leaving for Disney World this Saturday! I would be lying if I said I am not scared of the 13+ hour drive with my nausea.


Week 8 baby #5

I did not take a picture this week. The past few mornings have been rough with my nausea it comes in waves. Luckily, it is not bad enough to physical get sick, but enough to make me feel horrible and like I can't do anything. We did see our sweet baby another time this week their heart was beating away at 178bpm.
Week 8: August 16-August 22
This week the baby is a size of a raspberry

Weight gain/loss: 95.6lbs no weight gain

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, waves nausea in the morning, exhaustion, bad taste in my mouth in the morning.

We are getting some family pictures taken next week as well as our announcement picture. I am not sure exactly what we will do, but I have a few ideas. 


Week 7 baby #5

August 9- August 15

Last week at 6 weeks 1 day I had an ultrasound which showed our little baby and their little heartbeating strong. Since I am high risk I have a lot of ultrasounds and I had another one at 7 weeks 1 day. Our little baby grew so much and doubled in size in that one week! The baby's beats per minute went up from 110bpm to 145bpm which is less than what Trent and Rose's bpm were I believe they were 150-153 at this time, but pretty close! I am scheduled to have another scan at 8 weeks too! I honestly don't mind them one bit since I am having very mild symptoms this time around I love the reassurance of the ultrasounds. 

This week the baby is the size of a blueberry.

Weight gain/loss: 96.0 nothing yet.

Symptoms this week include: Vivid dreams, waking up to use the bathroom, emotional (randomly crying), fatigue, no appetite, no real morning sickness just nothing sounds good and I have a few waves of nausea throughout the day. No bleeding gums which is something I had with all the boys, but not with Rose. 

I am looking forward to announcing! It seems that a lot of woman are announcing their pregnancies so early now. I have been seeing a lot of "due in March" announcements which is exciting! We are due March 28th! 

During the ultrasound our little cutie looked like he/she was waving at us! Their whole body looked like a heartbeat words can't really describe it, but it was adorable. As soon as the tech handed me this ultrasound I said all I see is a rubber duck haha! But really... does anyone else see it? 


Week 6 baby #5

August 2nd-August 8th

To be honest, I didn't want to take a picture this week. I didn't feel pregnant! By six weeks with Rose and Trent I felt so nauseous. With this pregnancy my only symptoms this week are fatigue, vivid dreams, weird taste in my mouth, but zero nausea. I figured something has to be wrong! Luckily, the day after this picture was taken (at six weeks and one day) we were able to go in for an early ultrasound and see our sweet little baby with their strong heart flickering away on the screen all my worries left and I felt like for the first time in in weeks I was able to take a deep breath out! 

Size of the Baby: This week the baby is the size of a sweet pea

Weight Gain/Loss: I weigh exactly the same as last week 96.3lbs 

Symptoms: As I said above I am not having many symptoms this week. Which many people would say I should feel lucky I am not having morning sickness, but when it is so early on in pregnancy it is nice to have the reassurance. My doctor reminded me every pregnancy is different and there is no reason to be concerned everything looks great! Matt also mentioned I wasn't sick with Landon until 8 weeks (I didn't even know I was pregnant yet!) It is still early and the nausea could come on at anytime. 

What I am looking forward to: My next ultrasound on August 10th! 


Week 5 baby #5

Week 5: July 26th -August 1st

I never thought I would be writing these updates, but I feel so beyond blessed to be doing so.

Matt and I found out we will be expecting a little baby in March 2019 on our beach vacation when I was 10 dpo (3 weeks 3 days) I couldn't contain my excitement and told my parents right away who were also very happy! This is the first time we will have older kids with a baby in the house Landon is 7, Oliver 6, Trent 4, and Rose almost 3!

Oliver overheard me telling my mom, he was so excited that he told Landon who was so sweet and came over to me and said "Is there a baby in there?" putting his hands gently on my tummy before I could even answer he said "there is!!" like he just knew haha! That evening we went out to dinner and Oliver drew our family on his menu including our newest addition in my tummy! The next morning, Landon came over to me and said "Mommy, did the baby sleep nice last night?" My heart is melting over here. Everyday the boys want to see my pregnancy app on my phone to see how big the baby has gotten!

Starting this pregnancy off at 96.3lbs

Sleep: One of my first symptoms was waking up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom. I have also had vivid dreams every night since right before I tested positive. Such crazy pregnancy dreams!

Eating: Honestly, nothing sounds good! One of my other first symptoms was this bad taste in my mouth. I stopped drinking coffee at the end of June knowing it wasn't great for me if I got pregnant and I start disliking the taste a few weeks in anyway. How I am functioning with all four kids home 24/7 for Summer without any caffeine is beyond me.

Symptoms: I have had a lot of symptoms this time around including: waves of nausea, dry mouth, weird metal taste, dizziness, tired (napping everyday). Somethings that have been different already are the fact that my gums haven't been bleeding and I had light spotting right after we found out which has made me extra nervous since!

I am high risk so I will be having an early ultrasound at 6 weeks 1 day on August 3rd!


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Little Baby Worthington


Our family is growing! We are expecting a baby in March 2019! 
I cannot wait to snuggle this little one up in my arms and fall even more in love with this precious life that is growing in my belly right now. I have been through so much these past few years physically and feel very blessed to be able to bring another child into this world. 

We can't wait to share our journey with everyone! 
