Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Trent's 4th Birthday!

Our sweet T is officially four years old! How did this happen? I feel as though I was writing Trent's three year update yesterday. 

Trent has grown so much this past year! Last year was his first year in preschool (two days a week) and he had difficulty separating from me at drop off. This year most days he goes right in and doesn't look back! He is still shy, but is able to open up more than he had before. Trent has even made a few new friends! I think part of that may have been his tongue tie. We had taken Trent to a specialist for his horrible eating habits after his three year check up. It was there that she noticed his tongue and lip tie. She was shocked that he was able to breastfeed so well for almost his whole first year. Usually, tongue tied babies struggle with nursing soon after birth when they don't gain much weight. Luckily, Trent never had a weight gain issue! Last Spring, we took him to get both his top and bottom lip ties and tongue tie fixed. He did amazing and recovered quickly. Trent had to relearn how to drink out of a cup and it was weird to chew for a few weeks (he kept bitting his tongue.) I would say Trent is still a picky eater-- he loves chicken nuggets, hot dogs and mac and cheese like pretty much any child his age. I would say overall the surgery was a success though! 

Trent still LOVES Lightning McQueen and monster trucks which is very similar to Landon at this age! Sometime this past Summer, Trent stopped needing to carry a car around. It was like a security blanket for him for a longtime. Trent's newest obsession though is puzzles! He does them and then redoes them for what feels like hours. I love how focused he gets and how he won't leave the puzzle until he finishes.

Recently, Trent has moved from sharing a room with Landon and Oliver to Rose's room. It has really helped him feel more like the big boy he is. Before Rose, Trent was the baby of the family and he sure acted like it, always getting held everywhere and depending on me to do pretty much everything for him. I didn't mind one bit though-- he was/is my baby boy. All of our kids are sweet and thoughtful, but there is just something so special about Trent. He is quiet and he is shy, he is independent when he needs to be and loves to show love! I thought Landon and Oliver were Mama's boys, but Trent takes it to a whole new level! The strong bond is very mutual between Trent and me. I had mentioned this in my last post about him, but I feel I can't mention it enough. Having those first few days with Trent in my hospital room made a huge difference. All three of my other babies had to go to the NICU for one reason or another for two weeks to ten weeks. Having him there with me breastfeeding on demand, snuggling all hours of the day and night made me feel whole. I missed out on that special time with my other kids, but I am so thankful that I was able to experience it even if it was just once.

We are all so proud of the big sweetheart Trent is! Happy 4th birthday to our sweet T!

Random Facts about Trent:

-I went into labor with him at the movie Frozen
-Trent is the only baby my water broke with
-Trent is my maiden name
-He has never tried juice (besides orange juice) or soda (NONE of my kids have and I am going to keep it that way as long as possible)
-He has never eaten fries or chips (some of my favorites haha!)
-His eyes were blue for his first year and now they're slowly turning light green
-He still struggles with eczema


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