Rose is now in preschool two days a week for three WHOLE hours. I know, what do I do with myself with ALL my free time?! Ha! You would be surprised how many people actually ask me that. I am so happy Trent gets to be comforted knowing that his little sister is just a few classrooms away. Oliver is now in Kindergarten at the big kid school with Landon, who is currently in 1st Grade.
Lets jump right into it...
Today is Wednesday, October 18th
Landon is 6 years old
Oliver is 5 years old
Trent is 3 and a half
Rose is 2 years old
5:15am Matt's alarm goes off he get up and gets ready to go to the gym. I try so hard to turn over and keep sleeping, but I just cant and within ten minutes I am in the bathroom putting my contacts in and doing my make up and changing for the day.
5:35am I head downstairs to start the coffee. The night before I had made Landon's and Oliver's lunch for school and picked out their clothes. This really helps me out with our mornings being so busy and all. I let Lacie, our dog, outside.
Since I am up early and ahead of schedule, I decide to enjoy a quiet breakfast in peace (never happens!) This morning I am eating oatmeal with chia seeds topped with cookie butter.
I also make the kids breakfast which this morning is eggs and pork roll with a yogurt smoothie. I had never even heard of pork roll until I met Matt I am not a fan, but our kids are.
I also make the kids breakfast which this morning is eggs and pork roll with a yogurt smoothie. I had never even heard of pork roll until I met Matt I am not a fan, but our kids are.
6:20am I hear the stampede of our three boys coming out of their room. Yes, they all three share a room and love it!
They sit at the table and eat breakfast.
Once they are done they get dressed and brush their teeth (by some miracle Rose is still asleep!) They get their shoes on and make sure their water bottles are full.
7:10am Matt gets home and Rose wakes up! Matt goes up stairs to get her and get her dressed
We take this picture ...
Instagram: @melissaaworthington |
I load the dishwasher and run it.
7:25am We say bye to Matt and I get all the kids in the car to drop Landon and Oliver off at school. I miss them so much their school days are so long!!!
7:38am I realize Rose never ate breakfast and I need to get a few groceries so we head to Whole Foods.
8:15am I decide to stop home with the groceries before dropping the little ones at preschool.
8:48am We arrive at preschool it is about 25 minutes away from our house depending on traffic. Rose to my surprise didn't cry-- even if she does get upset when I leave she is able to move past it very quickly.
9am I head to Michaels to get the craft supplies for Trent's Halloween party. Which another mom and I are putting together for his class next week.
9:40 I get home to the huge pile of clean laundry and dishes that need to put away.
Fold, fold, fold... As you can imagine with 4 kids 6 and under, 3 of which are boys and with sports, I have so much laundry at all times.
11:10am I am all done folding and putting the dishes away. I decide to go to Which Wich for a sandwich because they are AMAZING and I am never alone ha ha! I also get Trent and Rose a kids grilled cheese sandwich to share. Another reason I love Which Wich is because of their pellet ice. I usually never drink soda, maybe once a month if that, but pellet ice with a coke is so good!
11:25 Off to get Trent and Rose.
11:42 I am early-- One of my mom friends is there too so I talk with her in the parking lot for a few minutes.
12pm We are on our way home! They tell me all about their fun day (all three hours of it) while they eat their sandwiches.
12:23 We are home. This is when Rose usually naps so I take her to the bathroom then put her to bed.
12:38pm I put away the piles of laundry I folded while Trent watches Cars in my Room.
1pm I sit down to start typing this post, talk and cuddle with Trent.
2:15pm My parents are here! My Dad plays with Trent while I talk with my Mom.
2:20pm Rose wakes up from her nap. She must have heard us talking or the front door opening. I go upstairs to get her and then I take Lacie out.
2:38pm We start walking to the bus stop to get Landon and Oliver.
3:15pm I kiss the kids and head to Landon's parent teacher conference.
4:10pm I am home! I had picked up Panera for my parents and the kids to enjoy.
4:20pm I make dinner for Matt and me tonight. I am making shrimp with orzo pasta and peas.
4:45 I eat dinner because I know this is my last chance until later. Also, while I eat I do Landon's homework with him.
5pm I get Landon's soccer clothes together and all his gear. He gets himself ready and we say good bye to my parents.
5:30pm I get the kids in the car and we head to Landon's last soccer practice of the season.
5:50 Matt arrives from work. I brought is dinner in a container because I knew he would be hungry.
7pm Soccer practice is over and we head home.
7:15pm We get home and all the kids change for bed and brush their teeth. I read them a few books on the couch before heading upstairs
7:32pm I want to sit down on the couch and not move the rest of the night, but I know I will be happy in the morning if I make their lunch now so I use the last bit of energy I have left to make Landon's and Oliver's lunches and throw a load of wash in the washer machine and run the dish washer. Matt takes Lacies out.
7:50pm I SIT DOWN!!! Matt and I catch up on This is Us (seriously obsessed!)
9ish pm I head upstairs to brush my teeth and crawl into bed to do it all over again tomorrow asking myself before I fall asleep "is it Friday yet?"
I know, I am busy, I don't get much time to myself, but when I do I take advantage of it. I drive 5 minutes the wrong direction to get that sandwich I want for lunch, I put on music that I want to listen to instead of Disney soundtracks for the millionth time. You have to remember to treat yourself every once and a while. It is easy to forget that when all day you are caring for everyone else.
One thing that really helps me is to be ahead of the schedule. I make lunches the night before, I pick their clothes out the night before, I put the dirty dishes in the dish washer while I am still cooking. Sure, there are times I forget or I just can't find it in me to do it and that's okay. I just know how those little things really help me the next day.
I am exhausted, but I love my kids. They are my world and I know how quickly this time slips through your fingers without really even noticing because of how busy we are. I am blessed enough to say I can stay home and take care of my kids and spend as much time with them as I can before they grow up and don't need me to tie their shoes again, find that library book again, when I won't have to listen to that minion song... again. I love it, all of it. Motherhood is amazing like that.