Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tutu Rose is Two

Wow! Two years! They have flown by, but it is also hard to remember a time before our sweet Rose girl joined our family.

Before Rose was born, I was a total "boy mom" all trucks, cars, anything that goes, polos, sneakers--all of it! When I would see little girls with their moms looking like their little "mini me" and I would hope that one day I would be blessed with a daughter. Don't get me wrong,  I love my boys so much and feel a strong love and bond with each of them! Before Rose, I loved being the only girl in the house. Recently, we went to Matt's cousin's wedding and when the groom was having his mother/son dance Trent, our youngest son turned to me and said "Mommy, I will dance with you and you will wear a dress with flowers on it and I will twirl you around." He is three and my mommy heart melted to say the least!

Rose is so different, but also so much the same as her brothers! She is the same in the way that she is constantly on the move, she stops for nothing. Rose likes all the same things my boys do. Rose grew up her first year with 98% boy toys and wants to do anything and everything our boys do. Rose is so independent, but also SO clingy. She loves her mommy and she wants to be on me, but not just on me as close as she physically possible. Occasionally, she ends up in our bed I know it's a bad habit that after the first year we would have NEVER allowed with our boys, but Rose our little Rose girl does not quit! She is so strong willed and consistent she will cry and cry until you come and get her.

I know every parent says this about their child, but Rose is such an angel. She fits her name perfectly! Rose is delicate and beautiful, but if rub her the wrong way she may hurt you, haha!


I would describe Rose's eating habits as the typical toddler. Some days she eats very well and other days its all about dry cereal.

As of right now, her favorite foods are: Yogurt and chicken nuggets.


Around the time we went to the beach in mid July, Rose was struggling with sleeping. I am not sure if she was teething or what? Napping was the enemy, she wanted nothing to do with it and then by the time the evening rolled around she was so exhausted and cranky at dinner-- that wasn't fun for anyone. I would love to be writing that she's back to her amazing 11 hours a night and 2 hour + naps, but that is not the case. Rose still fights sleep unless, of course, we are in the car! I hope to talk to her pediatrician about it at her check up.

Potty Training

If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen Rose at 23 month totally potty trained herself! It literally happened overnight! She just didn't want to wear a diaper and asked to go on the potty-- just like that! I am so proud, shocked and even a little sad. I wasn't ready to entertain the idea of her being done with diapers and just like that she is! I was so nervous those first few days taking her out of the house and scared she would have an accident in the middle of Target, but no (knock on wood) she just so sweetly says "potty" and I say "okay, Rose, in a few minutes we need to find one" and she says "Okay, Mommy." Gahh! I love her so much!!


Rose is starting "school" two days a week this Fall. This means for SIX WHOLE HOURS, I will be baby free. It is kind of surprising to me how many people have been asking me what I will be doing now that all my kids will be in school... I have to remind them that their preschool is three hours and she will only be there two days a week, that is if she goes at all (fingers crossed) it takes 20-30 minutes to get there depending on traffic too!

Anyway, I really don't know what to expect with Rose and school she will either love it or not! If she has trouble separating, we will probably just pull her honestly, I was really hesitant to sign her up at all. Trent was 2 and a half and he struggled most days when I left, but after 30 minutes he was a happy boy. I hope that is the case with Rose! Once school starts it is go, go, go until bedtime.

Rose is the icing on our cake! I look at her sweet little face and wonder how I lived without her.

Happy 2nd Birthday Rose!

*At two years old Rose is 23lbs and 33" tall
