Wow! I can't believe it has already been two months since my tubal ligation reversal! Backache, headaches, hot flashes at night, rapid heart beat, nightmares, ovulation pains were some of my major symptoms before my reversal surgery. I was not informed about any side effects, studies reveal up to 50% of woman after getting a tubal ligation have these exact problems. I can confidently say all of these awful symptoms are GONE! I have tracked my ovulation twice and get nervous each time it comes up positive just waiting to bend over in pain, but alas nothing! Not even the small cramps that I used to feel before getting the tubal ligation done. The only difference after surgery has been PMS. I never had it before and I seem to have a few of those symptoms a few days before my period now. PMS seems to be pretty common, so I am not worried. It took a full three weeks until I felt totally like myself again, but I noticed right away a lot of my Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome issues disappeared.
All I can do now is spread my story to other mothers thinking of doing a tubal ligation. There are so many other forms of birth control out there that you can stop doing at anytime if you are having a bad reaction, a tubal ligation is NOT one of them. I feel so blessed everyday to have been able to reverse this nightmare. I think of all the woman often that are suffering the way I was and don't have the funds to get the surgery. Right now I am focusing on my kids. Summer break is around the corner and I can't wait to spend my days enjoying the sun with all my babies. I plan to go back to Pure Barre 3 days a week next month. Since you use your abdomen for a majority of the workouts I want to be extra careful getting back into it.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!