Friday, March 31, 2017

Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery Update

On Monday, March 27th at 8 am I had my tubal reversal. I was terrified, but all went well and I was in great hands! The surgery was 3 hours long, which my surgeon had told me it would be at  my consultation in late February. I just didn't think it would actually take that long! After the surgery I was very groggy, but soon after I was able to get up and change with Matt's help. The surgeon came in and told us that everything went well! The right side was very easy to reconnect, but he had a lot of trouble with the left. My surgeon mentioned that one opening was bigger than the other opening so it was difficult to reconnect, but he was finally able to! As for scar tissue from having 4 c-sections,  he said that there was zero! I was shocked and so was he, but it made me very happy to hear! We left very soon after recovery and it was a 45 minute drive home which seemed like 10 minutes because I was so out of it! Once I got home, I went right to bed and I slept for a little while. Then, two at a time,  Matt brought the kids up after my parents visited with me. I felt so nauseous after seeing everyone. I tried so hard not to throw up, but I did and it was the most painful thing I have ever gone through! If you've had a c-section and sneezed soon after surgery, it feels like that times 10! I assume I felt so sick from the anesthesia, but it could have also been the Percocet.  I continued to rest and tried to eat some soup and drink some water. It seemed to help at first, but then I threw up a second time and it was just as painful as the first! I finally fell back asleep and the next day I felt much better, but still was in a lot of pain. Each day I have been feeling a little more like myself and am able to move around and help more. As for PTLS,  my headaches are gone, my lower back pain is gone and I feel great overall, especially 3 days post major surgery!! I want to thank everyone that has reached out to check on me! I really appreciate all the kind messages.

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