Sunday, December 18, 2016

Hair Tutorial

I have been requested by a few followers to explain my hair routine and I am very flattered! Thank you!

As a mom of 4 kids 5 and under, I don't have much time for a long beauty routine. I am sure most of you can relate! I do my best to shower daily, but only wash my hair 2 or 3 times a week depending on time, weather and events etc. Since I am still breastfeeding, I try to drink as much water as I can which sadly isn't as much as I probably should. I also still take my prenatal vitamin which is recommend for all woman in their childbearing years. These two things have helped my hair stay pretty healthy, despite loosing some after each of my pregnancies. I know it might be hard to believe, but my hair used to be a lot thicker which is why I prefer it curled. It helps make it have more volume and appear to be thicker.

These are the products I use:

Shampoo and conditoner 

Finishing oil



Step One: Wash!

I wash and shampoo my hair. I shampoo my scalp mostly and not my ends and I only put conditioner on my ends. In the past, shampooing my ends has made them drier and break more easily so I try to avoid it.

Step Two: Detangle!

Some women like to do this step after applying their conditioner in the shower while there hair is still wet. I do sometimes, but today I didn't.

Step Three: Dry!

I prefer to air dry my hair after I towel dry it. I usually wash my hair at night right after putting the kids to sleep or right after Matt gets home depending on the day. My hair usually dries within two hours. If I am in a hurry, I will blow dry it quickly.

Step Four: Curl!

This is the curling iron I use. I brush and then curl ~4 inch wide sections of my hair. Switching each time the way I roll the iron up.

Step Five: Finishing touch!

You only need about a dime size amount of the oil and ONLY put it on your ends or your hair will look greasy. I flip my head down and up a few times and shake it to loosen the curls and then I spray the hair spray all around once. I am not a huge hairspray person, I really don't love the feel of it and my hair gets knots the next day if I use too much.


From start to finish (on dry hair) I would say this takes me about 15 minutes and lasts 3ish days. I hope this tutorial helps! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below or message me on instagram (melissaaworthington)

Have a great week!


  1. great post and thanks so much for sharing!!

  2. I am such a fan of Moroccanoil products! Love the video.
    xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.

  3. Your hair looks AMAZING! I want my hair to be as long and luxurious as yours! Great styling tips!

  4. Love these tips!


    Your Redlocks and Shamrocks Girl,
    Lisa Doyle

  5. I need all the help with this hair - I need to try these products!

  6. This is so great! I also am not drinking enough water as a BF mama - ayayayay. Thanks for the reminder! I never think about it affecting my hair.

  7. Definitely looking into your curling iron! Mine are crap and seem to just fry my already dry hair.


  8. It looks SO amazing!!! Love these tips.

  9. When I have no time at all I put my hair in a pony tale and then curl whats in that, it gives quick volume and curl.

  10. Love this. What temp setting on the iron ? Hot as it gets?

    1. I have it set to 42 so the next to highest on my iron!

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