Happy Fall!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
Five Favorites Right Now (at 12 months old)
Since turning one earlier this month, Rose has really started showing her personality and expressing her likes and dislikes much more!
Currently these are Rose's and my favorites:
1. Zoli Straw Sippy- Though Rose has not taken a liking to whole milk (yet) she does enjoy water from her favorite cup! We haven't had any issues with leaking or cracking despite Rose throwing them on the floor when she is done!
2. Honest Co. Detangler Spray- Rose's hair on the back of her head tends to get very knotted and tangled. It's also very frizzy compared to the rest of her soft fine baby hair. I have tried putting conditioner in it and even using high end shampoo nothing helped, but this product. It makes a huge difference.
3. Yogurt Drops - When Rose is fussy at dinner and won't eat what we are having, I give her a handful of these and she gobbles them up.
4. Rose has HORRIBLE eczema on her legs and a little on her arms. We went to the doctor for it over the summer because the discoloration with her tan. It made me nervous even with all the sunscreen we were applying on her. Her pediation recommended creams, but it was just so thick. I bought Baby Bee by Burts Bees lotion and it's made a huge difference. I am looking into oatmeal baths, because I heard that is very helpful for eczema. I have also read that breastmilk helps too and since Rose won't take any of my frozen breast milk from my stash, I might try to use it for that!
5. V-tech sit to stand walker- Rose is not walking yet, even though she did take a few steps on her first birthday! I am in no rush for her to walk --haha! Anyway, this is her favorite birthday gift out of all the toys we got her. Rose will sit or stand while playing with it, occasionally she will walk with it like a cart. The phone is her favorite part-- she loves to answer it and pretend to talk!
Currently these are Rose's and my favorites:
1. Zoli Straw Sippy- Though Rose has not taken a liking to whole milk (yet) she does enjoy water from her favorite cup! We haven't had any issues with leaking or cracking despite Rose throwing them on the floor when she is done!
2. Honest Co. Detangler Spray- Rose's hair on the back of her head tends to get very knotted and tangled. It's also very frizzy compared to the rest of her soft fine baby hair. I have tried putting conditioner in it and even using high end shampoo nothing helped, but this product. It makes a huge difference.
3. Yogurt Drops - When Rose is fussy at dinner and won't eat what we are having, I give her a handful of these and she gobbles them up.
4. Rose has HORRIBLE eczema on her legs and a little on her arms. We went to the doctor for it over the summer because the discoloration with her tan. It made me nervous even with all the sunscreen we were applying on her. Her pediation recommended creams, but it was just so thick. I bought Baby Bee by Burts Bees lotion and it's made a huge difference. I am looking into oatmeal baths, because I heard that is very helpful for eczema. I have also read that breastmilk helps too and since Rose won't take any of my frozen breast milk from my stash, I might try to use it for that!
5. V-tech sit to stand walker- Rose is not walking yet, even though she did take a few steps on her first birthday! I am in no rush for her to walk --haha! Anyway, this is her favorite birthday gift out of all the toys we got her. Rose will sit or stand while playing with it, occasionally she will walk with it like a cart. The phone is her favorite part-- she loves to answer it and pretend to talk!

Friday, September 9, 2016
Rose||12 Months Old
I don't know how this has happened. How could it possibly have been an entire year since I gave birth to our sweet Rose girl? The relationship I have with my boys is so beyond precious to me. Although ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have had this connection to Rose that is something I will always cherish. It is different. It is unexplainable. Rose completed our family, she is the icing on the cake, the cherry on top! We all adore her--each one of us. We smother her with kisses and love 24/7 and I don't think she minds one bit!
Rose is expanding her vocabulary and getting closer to walking every day. I have been exploring different foods with her now that her two teeth have completely cut through. Throughout the day, I give her a straw sippy with water. I haven't started her on whole milk yet, because I still breastfeed her around 6 times a day. I have been asked if we are going to stop nursing soon and the answer is no. Rose still loves it and she's not ready so why would I make her stop?
Rose will be forever the baby of the family and forever protected by her three big brothers. Forever treated like the princess she is to us all. It is so bittersweet right now. Every milestone she accomplishes I am so proud, but a little sad knowing this is the last first time we will see one of you babies doing it. I just wish time would slow down some. Happy birthday to the girl I lost my title of first kiss from Daddy when he gets home to. We love you so much Rose!
Here is a little update on our girl:
Breastfeeding: Rose is still nursing around 6 times a day. I don't see us stopping anytime soon! Rose wakes up around 12am most nights eats and goes right back to sleep most nights-- I don't mind it.
Sleep: Rose is napping twice a day once around 8 or 9am depending on when she woke up and then once more with Trent around 12pm.
Solids: Since Rose's two front bottom teeth have cut through, I have been giving her more solid foods slowly to see how she handles them. Usually she does pretty well, unlike her brothers she doesn't gag much and will try most foods I put in front of her.
Personality: SHY! Rose is so shy! When strangers talk to her, she curls in and rubs her face on me or Matt. Rose is constantly watching her brothers and what they are doing. If she wants what one of her brothers has she is not scared one bit to grab it right out of their hands, haha! She is one tough girl when it comes to them.
New this month:
Clearly saying "Dada" to Matt and "Mama" to me, "Papa" and we even heard her say "hi" and "Landon" a few times! Rose is getting closer to saying "Grandma" and associates everyone with their name!
Weight: 19lbs and 3oz
Height: 29 inches
Clothing Size:12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and straight
Teeth: 2 bottom center
Teeth: 2 bottom center
Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty
Likes: Nursing, goldfish, cherrios, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.
Likes: Nursing, goldfish, cherrios, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.

Friday, September 2, 2016
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