Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rose||11 Months Old

You can find Rose's 10 month update here

Here we are already one month away from Rose's first birthday! This is around the time Matt and I were talking about having more babies with Oliver and with Trent. Rose is our last baby, so this is a very bittersweet time. As she gets closer to walking and after getting her first tooth (!), I am all emotional. I remind myself how complete I feel with her here--I don't wonder about having more babies or feel like anyone is missing from our family. I look forward to watching our kids grow and move out of the diaper stage! Talking about potty training, Trent is 100% potty trained and it only took about 3 days! We did it before he turned 2 and a half and haven't looked back! 

Breastfeeding: I have said this before, but when Rose was taken to the NICU for low oxygen levels. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to nurse because the same thing happened with Oliver. He was taken to the NICU for quick breathing and the nurses without asking me gave him a bottle of formula right away. My milk was not in yet and after having Landon so prematurely, I didn't know that its okay for them just to have colostrum (they need just a teaspoon to eat their first 24 hours!) I even had a nurse tell me it would make Olivers stay there shorter! Obviously, he preferred the bottle despite my effort to nurse him once he was home, so I gave up. 

My breastfeeding journey with Rose has been the best I think a breastfeeding relationship can go. We are quickly approaching our one year mark with nursing (which was always my goal!) I have been getting more attached to our bond and want to push weaning her a little longer. Rose got her first tooth the day before she turned 11 months (the earliest of all my children!) This has made her extra clingy and nursing more often so I really doubt she will self wean. Rose has nursed the longest out of all of my babies. She was the only one to refuse a bottle since being home or a pacifier (she likes to chew on them though!) Nursing is the only thing to comfort her when she falls or gets a shot. It has been the best experience, better than I could have imagined! With Trent he nursed well, but he preferred the bottle. He loved how it came out faster and there was more usually. I pumped at least twice a day with him and that was hard to do with two toddler and a baby! I got mastitis few times and even got thrush once! Don't get me wrong, I will always cherish the memories of nursing Trent! It has been a totally different experience since day one with Rose even though she came a month early, she latched on very well from the start and always nursed well during her stay in the NICU (better than she took the bottles the nurses had to give her when I couldn't be there.) I especially don't miss cleaning pump parts multiple times a day! 

Sleep: Rose is napping twice a day once around 9am (depending on when she wakes up) and then once more with Trent around 12pm. I usually go in and feed her before I go to bed around 9pm, if I don't she will usually wake up around 12am. One thing I know will be hard after Rose has weaned is getting her to fall asleep on her own without nursing. 

Solids: Since getting her first tooth she hasn't been eating much solids at all. She pushes away from her purees and just throws her food.

Personality: Rose is a Mama's girl-- she loves to cuddle me and be on my hip constantly even more so since she's teething. She loves ice cold water in her Zoli sippy cup and pizza crust! The good news is she seems to love attention and gets plenty of that from her big brothers constantly hugging and kissing her, she usually returns the love with a big open mouth kiss!

New this month: 

New this month: Rose has been cruising along the couch and has stood alone with no help a few times. 

Clearly saying "Dada" to Matt and "Mama" to me, "Papa" and we even heard her say "Landon" a few times! She refers to nursing as "nummies." I used to call her yogurt drops "nummies."

Weight: around19lbs
Height: We will find out next month
Clothing Size:12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: lighter brown and straight
Teeth: 1 her right bottom center and the start of the second(left bottom center) 

Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty
Likes:Shreaking randomly, nursing, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.


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