Wow! I feel like this past month just flew by! I completely forgot about Rose turning 10 months. Partly because I have been so busy, but subconsiously I don't want her to be 10 months! I am in denial over here. The first year with your baby goes so unbelievably fast-- enjoy it! Before you know it you'll be helping them blow out their first birthday candle.
Here is a little update on our girl:
Breastfeeding: Rose is still nursing around 6 or 7 times a day. There were a few days last month (when she was sleeping really well) that I felt like I wasn't making as much milk. I have been offering nursing more to Rose during the day which she almost always wants to nurse. It is just hard to find the time with camps and with her older brothers being so loud haha. As we get closer to Roses first birthday, I get more attached to our nursing relationship. Especially since she is our last baby. There are nights when she goes to bed at 7pm and she is still asleep at 3am. I wake up out of habit and sneak in just to cuddle and nurse her because I know soon I won't be able to.
Sleep: Rose is napping twice a day once around 8 or 9am depending on when she woke up and then once more with Trent around 12pm. If I am lucky she might take one more nap around 4pm, but for the most part she has dropped this nap.
Solids: Just like the boys, Rose at 10 months still has no teeth. I don't expect her to get any until after she turns one. We have taken a step back from purees this month. This is only because she eats a few bites and then does not want anymore so they go in the refrigerator usually we forget about it then it ends up in the trash. If we are eating something I think Rose can handle (with no teeth) then she will just eat that.
Personality: Rose is still a Mamas girl, but has been a lot better about others holding her. If Rose is not familiar with you, she won't let you hold her and we don't push her because its not worth having her cry for 20 minutes recovering haha! Rose loves to explore and learn new things. Like pretty much all babies her age she touches and grabs everything and puts it right in her mouth.
New this month:
Clearly saying "dada" to Matt and "mama" to me, "papa" and we even heard her say "Landon" a few times!
Weight: 18.5 or 19lbs
Height: 27.5 inches? Hard to measure her
Clothing Size:9-12 month some 12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and straight
Teeth: 0
Teeth: 0
Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty
Likes: Nursing, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.
Likes: Nursing, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.