Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Day in the Life

My last "Day In A Life" can be found here.

Today is Thursday, June 9th

Landon is 5 years old 
Oliver is 4 years old 
Trent is 2 years old
Rose is 9 months old 

 4:30am-- My alarm goes off! Time get ready for my Pure Barre class that starts at 5am. Once I am ready, I go downstairs to eat a banana and drink some coffee then I head back upstairs.

4:48am-- When I went to bed at 9pm, I went in and fed Rose. She actually had not woken up on her own since I put her to bed at 6:30pm, which is amazing for her. I once again woke Rose (I know, I know never wake a sleeping baby) to feed her because I figured she would  probably wake up when I was gone at class and I also didn't want to workout with my engorged chest! 

4:56am-- I realize it has gotten late and I really need to get out of the house before I am late for class.

5am-- I get to the Pure Barre studio and feel lucky I live so close.

6:03am-- Snap a picture with the amazing owner and instructors!!

6:08am-- Everyone still seems to be asleep (never happens.) I take Lacie out before the boys stampede down the stairs.

6:18am--The boys come downstairs which of course wakes Rose up (their room is right next to hers.) Matt wakes up and gets her from her crib and I ask the boys to go to the bathroom while I heat up the oven to make cinnamon buns.

Side note: The boys have a OK to wake clock in their room that turns green every morning at 6:15am,

 6:24am-- Rose and I play while the boys are in their seats, watching a show. Once breakfast is ready, they eat and get out of their seats to play.

7:27am- Landon and Oliver are playing legos and Trent is playing with hot wheels (his new favorite!)

8am-- I take Rose upstairs to nurse her and put her down for her morning nap.

8:14am--- Sound asleep! I then get the boys clothes together. They are currently in swim camp this week. I get their swimsuits and clothes for after and Matt gets Trent dressed. During Roses nap I shower (finally) and get dressed for the day. Once I am done, I make Matt's lunch and get the boys a snack.

9am (about)-- Rose wakes up and I get her changed. Completely by coincidence, I dress  her to match me, haha!

9:18am-- Matt informs me Rose and I are twinning and of course we now have to take a picture to document it.

9:36am-- I get the kids in the car and we head to swim camp.

9:42am-- We arrive and meet up with my parents!

10:15am-- Class is over! I rinse off the boys while my parents watch Rose and Trent and I get them changed out of their swim clothes. We are going out for an early lunch at a town center near by.

11:05-- We arrive at the parking lot of the town center. I know Rose will not eat out in public so I ask my parents to take the boys to walk around while I feed her in the car. Rose loves to play while she eats by play, I mean hit me and pull my hair.

11:23 am-- We enjoy this nice weather and walk around. I brought the boys sandwiches from home and we get fresh pop tarts from one of our favorite restaurants! Of course, I forgot to bring myself anything to eat so I inhale a pop tart while the boys play with my dad and Rose judges me from the stroller.

12:03pm-- On our way home I do everything in my power to keep Rose and Trent awake because if they take even a 5 minute car nap they will not nap at home.

12:37pm-- Trent gets into bed after I change him and I get the older boys settled for "quiet time" Once Trent is asleep, I feed Rose and put her to sleep too.

1:32-- Finally things are settling down and I get to do the dishes. I also give the older boys their pop tarts.

2:13-- I take some pictures to list a few of Roses gently used bows and clothes to hopefully sell.

2:19pm-- Rose is up! Not her best nap, but I will take it! I play with her and do the best I can to pick up her room and the house in general.

3:30pm-- Trent is up! I get him a drink and put his shoes on him. I also change Rose again and we all head outside to walk Lacie.

4:01-- We arrive at the frozen yogurt store. Before heading in I feed Rose again. Every time I take all the kids out by myself I always have people looking at them all and me. I can see them counting them all in their head!

4:50pm-- We arrive back home and I feed Rose a puree pouch and start boiling water while the boys sit at the dinner table playing their new favorite thing "foam!"

5:33 --Dinner is ready! I put on a show for the boys and head up stairs to feed Rose who has not napped since 1pm and is a wreck. While Rose is asleep and the boys are being good eating, I quickly change because I am meeting up with some moms from Landons class for dinner!

6:08pm-- Matt is home! I grab the boys PJ for him and kiss everyone goodbye!

6:18pm-- I arrive at the restaurant and at this point I am ready for a nap haha, but I enjoy having these moms to relate to and its so nice having an adult conversation without getting interrupted every two minutes.

9:03pm-- I arrive home and talk to Matt for a little while before head upstairs to change, kiss the boys and feed Rose (who is still asleep, but I missed her!!)

by 10pm I am finally in bed exhausted and fall right to sleep!


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Rose||9 Months Old

Rose's eight month update can be found here
Trent's nine month update can be found  here

Breastfeeding: Rose nurses around 6 or 7 times a day. Usually once at night she will wake up between 12-3am. Obviously, there are times when it is difficult like when we are out in public and it is loud and she can't focus. The bond nursing has brought us is priceless though and I wouldn't change a thing. 

Sleep: Bedtime is still 7pm, but some nights Rose goes to sleep as early as 6pm! Recently, she hasn't been taking her 3rd late afternoon nap so when 5/6pm rolls around she a wreck. The only thing that calms her down is nursing and if I nurse her she falls right asleep. 

Solids: Still no teeth for my girl-- just a lot of drooling and putting everything in her mouth. Rose will take one puree pouch a day and I offer her yogurt drops when we are eating dinner, but they usually end up on the floor. 

Personality: There is no doubt of Rose's attachment to her Mama! She loves to be held by me, pull my hair and smack me in the face, haha! The second I put her down or give her to anyone she cries. Usually she can be calmed after a few minutes especially if its someone Rose knows holding her like Matt obviously or my Mom or Dad. Recently, Rose has been screaming, just like a quick little shreak at the top of her lungs. It's playful, she's not in pain or upset it is so funny to her brothers. She will repeatedly do it in her carseat and it actually hurts my ears!!

New this month: 

Pulling to a stand, waves and  claps 

Weight: 18lbs
Height: 27 inches
Clothing Size:9-12 month some 12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and straight
Teeth: 0
Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty, using a tissue on her nose, getting her dressed and diaper changes she always tries to roll away. 
Likes: Nursing, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.
