Today is Thursday, June 9th
Landon is 5 years old
Oliver is 4 years old
Trent is 2 years old
Rose is 9 months old
Landon is 5 years old
Oliver is 4 years old
Trent is 2 years old
Rose is 9 months old
4:48am-- When I went to bed at 9pm, I went in and fed Rose. She actually had not woken up on her own since I put her to bed at 6:30pm, which is amazing for her. I once again woke Rose (I know, I know never wake a sleeping baby) to feed her because I figured she would probably wake up when I was gone at class and I also didn't want to workout with my engorged chest!
4:56am-- I realize it has gotten late and I really need to get out of the house before I am late for class.
5am-- I get to the Pure Barre studio and feel lucky I live so close.
6:03am-- Snap a picture with the amazing owner and instructors!!
6:08am-- Everyone still seems to be asleep (never happens.) I take Lacie out before the boys stampede down the stairs.
6:18am--The boys come downstairs which of course wakes Rose up (their room is right next to hers.) Matt wakes up and gets her from her crib and I ask the boys to go to the bathroom while I heat up the oven to make cinnamon buns.
Side note: The boys have a OK to wake clock in their room that turns green every morning at 6:15am,
6:24am-- Rose and I play while the boys are in their seats, watching a show. Once breakfast is ready, they eat and get out of their seats to play.
7:27am- Landon and Oliver are playing legos and Trent is playing with hot wheels (his new favorite!)
8am-- I take Rose upstairs to nurse her and put her down for her morning nap.
8:14am--- Sound asleep! I then get the boys clothes together. They are currently in swim camp this week. I get their swimsuits and clothes for after and Matt gets Trent dressed. During Roses nap I shower (finally) and get dressed for the day. Once I am done, I make Matt's lunch and get the boys a snack.
9am (about)-- Rose wakes up and I get her changed. Completely by coincidence, I dress her to match me, haha!
9:18am-- Matt informs me Rose and I are twinning and of course we now have to take a picture to document it.
9:36am-- I get the kids in the car and we head to swim camp.
9:42am-- We arrive and meet up with my parents!
10:15am-- Class is over! I rinse off the boys while my parents watch Rose and Trent and I get them changed out of their swim clothes. We are going out for an early lunch at a town center near by.
11:05-- We arrive at the parking lot of the town center. I know Rose will not eat out in public so I ask my parents to take the boys to walk around while I feed her in the car. Rose loves to play while she eats by play, I mean hit me and pull my hair.
11:23 am-- We enjoy this nice weather and walk around. I brought the boys sandwiches from home and we get fresh pop tarts from one of our favorite restaurants! Of course, I forgot to bring myself anything to eat so I inhale a pop tart while the boys play with my dad and Rose judges me from the stroller.
12:03pm-- On our way home I do everything in my power to keep Rose and Trent awake because if they take even a 5 minute car nap they will not nap at home.
12:37pm-- Trent gets into bed after I change him and I get the older boys settled for "quiet time" Once Trent is asleep, I feed Rose and put her to sleep too.
2:13-- I take some pictures to list a few of Roses gently used bows and clothes to hopefully sell.
2:19pm-- Rose is up! Not her best nap, but I will take it! I play with her and do the best I can to pick up her room and the house in general.
3:30pm-- Trent is up! I get him a drink and put his shoes on him. I also change Rose again and we all head outside to walk Lacie.
4:01-- We arrive at the frozen yogurt store. Before heading in I feed Rose again. Every time I take all the kids out by myself I always have people looking at them all and me. I can see them counting them all in their head!
4:50pm-- We arrive back home and I feed Rose a puree pouch and start boiling water while the boys sit at the dinner table playing their new favorite thing "foam!"
5:33 --Dinner is ready! I put on a show for the boys and head up stairs to feed Rose who has not napped since 1pm and is a wreck. While Rose is asleep and the boys are being good eating, I quickly change because I am meeting up with some moms from Landons class for dinner!
6:08pm-- Matt is home! I grab the boys PJ for him and kiss everyone goodbye!
6:18pm-- I arrive at the restaurant and at this point I am ready for a nap haha, but I enjoy having these moms to relate to and its so nice having an adult conversation without getting interrupted every two minutes.
9:03pm-- I arrive home and talk to Matt for a little while before head upstairs to change, kiss the boys and feed Rose (who is still asleep, but I missed her!!)
by 10pm I am finally in bed exhausted and fall right to sleep!