Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rose||7 Months Old

Rose's six month update can be found here
Trent's six month update can be found here

Breastfeeding: We are still breastfeeding and FINALLY have somewhat of a schedule. It only took 7 months! Rose still gets very distracted while she eats, so I usually have to go to her room to feed her. If we are out in public, I have to go to the car. It is so hard especially with the boys, but it's worth it! Rose nurses around six times a day.

Sleep: I am so happy to say Rose more often than not sleeps 9pm-5am! Usually, we put Rose down around 7pm for the night. When I go upstairs to bed around 9pm, I sneak in and feed and cuddle her. Rose then will sometimes wake up between 12-2am to eat (I don't change her because it wakes her up too much) and then she goes right back to sleep until 5ish. Around 7am Rose goes down for her morning nap (when normal babies are waking up for the day!) Rose usually naps for an hour and a half. I try to be home around 11:30 so Rose and Trent can take their naps. If I stay out any later than 12pm Rose (and sometimes Trent) will fall asleep and we all know car naps ruin everything! 

Solids: We took a step forward with solids this month and Rose now happily eats half a pouch to one pouch a day! Probably not nearly as much as other babies take, but she just really likes her milk. For our stubborn girl that doesn't take a pacifier or bottle still at 7 months, this is a big improvement to her gaging and crying when we used to try to give her food.

New this month: Stranger anxiety in full force, sitting up for longer periods, but still needs assistance, sleeping mostly through the night(!), crawling mixture or army crawl and on all fours and waving! Also, I've noticed for a month or two now Rose wrinkles her nose when she smiles really hard (it is probably the cutest thing ever!!!) 

Weight: 16lbs 8oz.
Height: Not sure
Clothing Size:6-9 Month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and straight (getting thicker!)
Dislikes: Pacifiers and bottles
Likes: Nursing, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.


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