Monday, February 29, 2016

A Day In the Life (of a mom with four kids ages four and under!)

My last "Day In A Life" can be found here.

Today is Friday, February 26, 2016

Landon is 4 years old (5 in April)
Oliver is 3 years old (4 in May)
Trent is 2 years old
Rose is almost 6 months old 

1:12am-- Roses first wake up since going to bed at 7pm. This was AMAZING for Rose since she wasn't feeling well when she went to bed so I am glad she slept a longtime. Rose eats and goes right back to sleep! 

5:00am-- My alarm goes off for my Pure Barre class. I go get ready in the bathroom and I weigh myself as I have been doing every other Friday to keep an eye on my weight.

5:10am-- Rose wakes up-- she must have sensed me leaving! Ha ha, I nurse her and hope for Matts sake she goes back to sleep, but of course she doesn't. I wake Matt up when she's done nursing. We go downstairs and I make the coffee and Matt takes Lacie out and feeds her.

5:25am-- I rush out the door to class!

5:28am-- I get to the studio

5:30-630am-- I lift, tone and burn!! Take a quick picture with Sam, my friend and instructor and our whole class!

6:40am-- I come home to all four kids awake and being crazy! I scoop Rose up and take her upstair and nurse her. 

7:06am-- I transfer a sleeping Rose to her crib. Finally, I head downstairs to eat something and try to calm the kids down so they don't wake Rose. I also grab their clothes from their rooms that I had picked out the night before for them.

7:20am-- The boys get dressed and I pour myself a bowl of cheerios. I look at Lacie, who has been asleep all morning besides going out to the bathroom once, and I am so jealous. Lucky dog!

7:42am-- I  clean up from breakfast and do the dishes and after that I run the dishwasher. I go upstairs to rinse off and get dressed before Rose wakes up. Once I get downstairs, I make Matt his lunch and I ask the boys to go to the bathroom one more time before leaving for school. 

8:26am-- Matt takes Landon and Oliver to school. Rose is taking a record long nap (for her.) I take this time to throw in a load of laundry and play trains with Trent (ALONE!)

8:48am-- Rose is awake! I get her and change her for the day. We snap a quick picture to send to Matt and of course  Lacie is still asleep!

9:21am-- I nurse Rose before our playdate gets here and even get a few giggles out of her!! :)

9:33am-- Amy and her two kids arrive! I am lucky they are so close in age with Trent and Rose!! 

10:25am-- Our friends leave. I nurse Rose again and she seems sleepy, but won't go to sleep. I try to keep Trent quiet by giving him candy. Once I am done nursing, Trent helps me clean up the play area and then helps me move the laundry from the washer to the dryer (one of his favorite things to do!)

11:09am-- Trent and I head to Panera with Rose for a special lunch!

11:23am-- We arrive at Panera and have lunch. I was hoping Rose would nap in the car, but she didn't. 

11: 47am-- It is time to go pick up Landon and Oliver. I love, love, love their preschool, but I just wish they had carpool! Everyday I have to take Rose and Trent out of the car to go get them rain or shine and the hardest part is their classes are in two different buildings. 

12:08pm-- All strapped in and ready to head home

Oliver was upset about I forget what.

12:28pm-- We are home! The boys hang up their backpacks, jackets and put away their shoes. I give them the left over from Trent's mac and cheese because I ordered a large. I give them some fruit and water to go with it. I change Trent for his nap and change Roses diaper. Once I get Trent to sleep, I run downstairs and take Lacie out and feed her. 

1:03pm-- Nursing Rose again.

BABY FEET I love how she rubs them together while she nurses

1:17pm-- I have an Oat Mama bar! Once I finish that I make a clothing listing for Roses old orange tutu and  pumpkin headband. It is still available for anyone who wants it on my instagram! The boys finish lunch and I have them go to the bathroom and ask them to play quietly until its time to leave for Landons haircut.

1:52--I ask Landon and Oliver to get ready and put their shoes and jackets on. Rose has been awake this whole time by the way (ugh!) I wake Trent up from his nap to go and then we are meeting my parents for dinner at the mall!

2:03pm-- We are all in the car. I ask the boys to stay quiet because Rose really needed to nap and I was secretly hoping Trent would fall back asleep. 

2:16pm-- I look back so see (and I can't believe my eyes) ALL four of my babies ASLEEP! Landon and Oliver do not nap anymore. Sometimes, if we have had a very busy day, Oliver will fall asleep only in the car for a few minutes anytime after 2pm. 

2:34pm-- We are now late for Landons haircut! There was some traffic I wasn't expecting. Luckily my parents were already there and were able to get the boys in while I got the stroller and Rose out. 

3:07pm-- All done and Landon did very well-- all the boys love getting haircuts! Usually, I have them all get it done at the same time, but Matt had cut Trent's hair and Oliver had gotten a haircut recently. We walked around the mall to kill time before we go eat an early dinner. While walking around Oliver says he doesn't feel very well, so we decide to order our food to go. 

4:02pm-- We leave the mall and head home before there is too much traffic and say bye to my parents!

4:43pm-- Arrive home and I get the boys all settled in after they take off their jackets and shoes and put them away.  Rose slept in the car both ways to and from the mall and I realize she has only had one true nap today (ugh!!!)

5pm--Once everything settled down, I get everyone to the table and give them their food. We sit down and eat. 

5:45pm-- Matt comes home from work! He plays with the kids for a little while they run around the living room and dance to some music!

6:30pm-- I take an EXHAUSTED Rose upstairs while Matt changes Trent and asked Landon and Oliver to get themselves changed. They pick a show to watch and settle down. 

7pm-- I hear them brushing their teeth and getting ready to come upstairs while I am still rocking and nursing Rose who is pretty asleep at this point. I transfer her to her crib and go kiss the boys goodnight while Matt reads to them.

7:07pm-- I heat up Matts dinner while he walks Lacie and feeds her. We FINALLY have a break and can sit down and catch up on how our day was with each other. This is the time we watch one of our many shows together (American Idol, How to Get Away With Murder, Modern Family etc.) 

9:04pm-- Rose is moving around and I decide to head upstairs to go to bed and realize I never folded the laundry. Just a typical crazy Friday night at our house! Haha!


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