Rose's three month update can be found here
Breastfeeding: Rose is still exclusively breastfeeding on demand. As of now she nurses around 8 times a day, but really everyday is different. Rose still refuses the bottle, when we try to give it to her she gags/throws up! Today at her check up I asked the doctor if she had any suggestions to help Rose take the bottle. Basically, she said that we would have to force her by me staying away from Rose and having Matt offer it to her until she gets so hungry she has no choice but to take it. I honestly know I could never do that to Rose! I don't NEED to her to take a bottle. Would it be easier on me and Matt? Absolutely, but she's our last baby.... I am just thankful to have this time with her where she needs me and I need her. I am a little upset, about all the stored breastmilk I have from when I had an oversupply and when she was in the NICU. Hopefully, I can give it to a friend in need or maybe we will get lucky and Rose will take it from a sippy cup in the few months!!! This morning her doctor suggested we start solids (oatmeal) sometime before her next appointment at 6 months! I can't believe we are already at this stage!!! I will probably hold off until Rose is 5 months before trying knowing her she will most likely gag.
Personality: Rose is a sweetheart. It is as simple as that. She lights up a room, she smiles at you and you become a pile of mush. Rose loves attention and especially loves when her brothers and Daddy tell her she's pretty!
found her hands! |
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Rose also found her tongue! |
Brothers: Since getting a puppy around Christmas(!!!) Landon, Oliver, and Trent have not been giving Rose as much attention, but don't worry she still gets plenty! Trent is still Rose's little bodyguard and requests to hold her at least once a day and repeatedly says "No!" if Landon asks to hold her. Oliver rarely asks to hold Rose, but occasionally I will see him holding her hand.
first Christmas for Rose! |
Weight:13lbs 4oz
Height: 24in
Clothing Size: 3-6 Month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown, straight, thinning in the front, thickest in the the back
Dislikes Pacifiers and bottles
Likes: Nursing, sleeping, showers/baths with Mommy, being wrapped in my Solly wrap
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