Sunday, December 18, 2016

Hair Tutorial

I have been requested by a few followers to explain my hair routine and I am very flattered! Thank you!

As a mom of 4 kids 5 and under, I don't have much time for a long beauty routine. I am sure most of you can relate! I do my best to shower daily, but only wash my hair 2 or 3 times a week depending on time, weather and events etc. Since I am still breastfeeding, I try to drink as much water as I can which sadly isn't as much as I probably should. I also still take my prenatal vitamin which is recommend for all woman in their childbearing years. These two things have helped my hair stay pretty healthy, despite loosing some after each of my pregnancies. I know it might be hard to believe, but my hair used to be a lot thicker which is why I prefer it curled. It helps make it have more volume and appear to be thicker.

These are the products I use:

Shampoo and conditoner 

Finishing oil



Step One: Wash!

I wash and shampoo my hair. I shampoo my scalp mostly and not my ends and I only put conditioner on my ends. In the past, shampooing my ends has made them drier and break more easily so I try to avoid it.

Step Two: Detangle!

Some women like to do this step after applying their conditioner in the shower while there hair is still wet. I do sometimes, but today I didn't.

Step Three: Dry!

I prefer to air dry my hair after I towel dry it. I usually wash my hair at night right after putting the kids to sleep or right after Matt gets home depending on the day. My hair usually dries within two hours. If I am in a hurry, I will blow dry it quickly.

Step Four: Curl!

This is the curling iron I use. I brush and then curl ~4 inch wide sections of my hair. Switching each time the way I roll the iron up.

Step Five: Finishing touch!

You only need about a dime size amount of the oil and ONLY put it on your ends or your hair will look greasy. I flip my head down and up a few times and shake it to loosen the curls and then I spray the hair spray all around once. I am not a huge hairspray person, I really don't love the feel of it and my hair gets knots the next day if I use too much.


From start to finish (on dry hair) I would say this takes me about 15 minutes and lasts 3ish days. I hope this tutorial helps! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below or message me on instagram (melissaaworthington)

Have a great week!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Rose||15 Months

Rose is 15 months old now, and has started the most fun stage of toddlerhood in my opinion.  She is learning all sorts of words and will now nod yes or no when you ask her questions. Rose is walking (running) everywhere and trying to climb the couch every chance she gets. It is very exhausting chasing after her, but still so fun to watch Rose exploring and learning!! It has been a joy watching Rose's excitement over the Christmas tree and decorations this year. Last year at this time, Rose was just a few months old so seeing Santa was no big deal. We just went to visit the jolly old man and Rose was not a fan to say the least! Hopefully next year, we will finally get all four smiling! 

Breastfeeding: Rose is still nursing around four times a day. Waking up one time anywhere from 9pm-4am when she eats and goes right back to sleep most nights--I don't mind it. Rose usually, nurses when she wakes up for the day and then before her afternoon nap and once more before bed. If Rose is sick, she nurses more often. I am sure some of you are wondering when I will be weaning her and as of now my plan is to slowly start around 18 months. I hope Rose self weans before then though, because I would prefer it to be her decision rather than mine. It is important to me to do my best to keep her healthy through this winter and breastmilk is the best thing I can giver her to do that.

Sleep: Rose is napping once a day around 12:30pm-2pm. Bedtime is around 7pm and she will wake once like I mentioned earlier to nurse and she goes back to sleep until 6:30am. 

Solids: Though we have been exploring all foods since turning one, she still loves to nurse and when she is sick that is the only thing she will accept. Sadly, Rose has gotten a few colds and one double ear infection since her brothers have started school this fall which has resulted in not much weight gain since turning one in September. During her appointment last week her doctor reassured me that after turning one slow weight gain is normal and with Rose being so active since learning to walk and not being too interested in solids she is not concerned because for her height Rose's weight is normal. 

Personality: Rose has really come out of her shell since my last update! Rose loves to walk around in public places and smile at everyone. If a stranger tries to talk to her, Rose is quick to turn right around and run to me. 

New this month: 

Clearly says "Dada" or " Dad" to Matt, "Mama" or "Mom" to me, "Papa" to my Dad and we even heard her say "hi" and"Landon" a few times! Rose is getting closer to saying "Grandma" and associates everyone with their name! More recent words are "car" and "that" (while pointing at objects)

Weight: 20lbs 
Height: 29.5 inches 
Clothing Size:12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and curly in the back straight on top
Teeth: Two top and two bottom center 

Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty
Likes: Nursing, goldfish, cherrios, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth, especially her fingers

Thursday, November 17, 2016

World Prematurity Day 2016

When I first found out I was pregnant with Landon back in November of 2010, I was terrified. I was a sophomore in college, Matt was a senior, we had not been dating long. I remember looking at that positive pregnancy test knowing my life had changed forever. Even though I was young and terrified I knew one thing, I was in love with my baby. 

I left college to move home in December, Matt continued his senior year and came down from Pennsylvania to Virginia every weekend to see me and our growing baby. It was probably sometime in February that I noticed my face, hands and feet getting swollen. I figured it was just pregnancy. In March, I quit working because the swelling had gotten so bad. One morning in mid April, I woke up and could hardly open my eyes they were so swollen. My mom drove me to my OBGYN and they right away sent me to the hospital. My blood pressure was very high it was then that they diagnosed me with preeclampsia. My mom had it with me and it is more common with younger and older woman during pregnancy. Matt rushed down from school to be with me. I had to change to a high risk doctor who would be delivering Landon. My new high risk doctor put me on magnesium for my blood pressure which makes you feel like you have the flu times 100. After talking about my blood pressure and Landons lack of growth recently, he decided it would be best to have a c-section that day! I couldn't believe it I was only 27 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Landon was just measuring 2lbs I was devastated! Hearing the news that we would be meeting out first born that day should have been happy news, but instead I was dreading it. I knew it was what had to be done for my health and for his. 

At 4:11pm on April 19th, 2011 Landon James Worthington was born. Matt and I heard his little kitten cry in the silent, cold operating room. I didn't get to see him as expected they rushed him to the table and wrapped him in aluminum foil and gave him oxygen. I asked Matt to be with him I just wanted him to be with Landon. The nurses brought him over for me to kiss his little face while I got stitched up. Matt and the nurse went down to the NICU with Landon in an isolette where he would be staying for the next three months. Once in recovery all I could think about was Landon, I just wanted to be with him, but I couldn't.  I don't remember much, but after two days I was finally able to hold Landon. It wasn't how I had imagined my first time holding him would be after all those months he was growing in my tummy. I had to ask permission and there were so many cords I could hardly even see his little face behind his oxygen mask and feeding tube, but I felt whole again. After days of feeling like part of me was missing, I was finally whole again, holding my baby boy in my arms where he belonged. In the coming days if I wasn't forcing myself to eat or pumping I was begging Matt to wheel me down to the NICU. The nights were the worst-- I still get choked up writing about it today. I would cry every night, Matt would get in my hospital bed and hold me and I would cry my eyes out. I would cry because I was emotionally in pain and then I would cry because I was physically in pain. Every night I would hear the newborns next door crying for their mothers it was a constant reminder that I couldn't be there to take care of my baby. 

After days at the hospital recovering from my preeclampsia and c section we had to leave Landon and go home. Also during that time Matt had to leave to take his finals and I had never felt more alone. I had to be strong though for Landon and for Matt. I couldn't imagine having to study for finals and write papers with our son so premature in the hospital states away. Matt was so brave and strong during this time. Even having incredible family and friends supporting us it was the hardest thing Matt and I have ever been through. I went every day, twice a day 30 minutes away to visit Landon. I spent all my time away from Landon pumping, cleaning the pump stuff, and setting up to do it again. That was all I could do when I was away from him. I felt horrible, I was so mad at myself for not being able to carry him to term. In my mind I had failed him. All I could do was pump and provide for him that way. As thankful as I am for them it was so hard seeing the nurses care for Landon. I wanted to do it so badly, I just wanted to pick his little fragile body up and hold him and kiss him all over. But I couldn't I was restricted by the cords and the constant beeping of the leads falling off. It was terrifying. Every time we heard the beeping Matt and I would whip our heads to look at the monitor to make sure he was okay. 

Fast forward to June 28th, 2011 Landon came home and it just happened to be Matts first day at his new job. I went with my mom to pick Landon up and I remember running to the elevator being so excited! We had to take Landon home on a monitor to make sure he didn't forget to breathe. It was scary, but I knew he would thrive like he had since the day he was born. Landon was and always will be our angel baby. He is our blessing, he is stronger than I could ever be and the most loving little boy I've ever met. I am so proud to call him my son and honored to be his mother. I loved him since the moment I saw that positive pregnancy test. One thing is for sure Landon is so meant to be here! 


Monday, October 17, 2016

Breastfeeding Favorites

I never thought I would still be nursing Rose at 13 months. In my head I thought Rose would turn one and just magically adjust to whole milk and wean. As you can imagine this is not the case! Rose still nurses between 4 and 6 times a day. We offer her a straw sippy with whole milk a few times a day for it to be rejected and tossed over her shoulder. UGH!

After nursing all four of our babies at some point during their first year of life I have some favorite breastfeeding accessories I would like to share with you!

First being a basic black boob design shirt-- I would wear this under an open sweater a lot last fall or to bed. It doesn't even look like a nurse friendly shirt and it's so comfortable. DEFINITELY MY FAVORITE!

Though, I no longer need them now--during those first few weeks of nursing when your milk supply is adjusting to your babies needs nursing pads are a MUST my favorites were bamboobies. Unlike the disposable ones these are reusable. All you need to do is toss them in the washer machine.

Nursing cover- Rose was not a fan of  nursing covers, but luckily after a few months old I had some what of an idea when she would be hungry so she ate mostly at home. When we would use one it would be cover me poncho.

Nursing bra- I have bought so many nursing bras over the years-- cheap ones from Target and expensive ones from Nordstrom my favorite brands are-- cotton candy by cake, bravado! designs and for bed.

Sadly, Rose never took a pacifier though I did try a few. The one we had the most luck with was the natursutten. This brand specifically is supposed to be great for breastfed babies because of it's shape.

 I don't know when our breastfeeding journey will come to an end, but I am so thankful to have had this incredible bond with my daughter. It makes her being our last baby that much sweeter. Breastfeeding is hard. It has it's pros and cons like pretty much anything in life, but being able to provide immunities for her with three older brothers being in school is very important to us. I will forever cherish the countless hours I have spent rocking and nursing her at all hours of the day and night.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Five Favorites Right Now (at 12 months old)

Since turning one earlier this month, Rose has really started showing her personality and expressing her likes and dislikes much more!

Currently these are Rose's and my favorites:

1. Zoli Straw Sippy- Though Rose has not taken a liking to whole milk (yet) she does enjoy water from her favorite cup! We haven't had any issues with leaking or  cracking despite Rose throwing them on the floor when she is done!

2. Honest Co. Detangler Spray- Rose's hair on the back of her head tends to get very knotted and tangled. It's also very frizzy compared to the rest of her soft fine baby hair. I have tried putting conditioner in it and even using high end shampoo nothing helped, but this product. It makes a huge difference.

3. Yogurt Drops - When Rose is fussy at dinner and won't eat what we are having, I give her a handful of these and she gobbles them up.

4. Rose has HORRIBLE eczema on her legs and a little on her arms. We went to the doctor for it over the summer because the discoloration with her tan.  It made me nervous even with all the sunscreen we were applying on her. Her pediation recommended creams, but it was just so thick. I bought Baby Bee by Burts Bees lotion and it's made a huge difference. I am looking into oatmeal baths, because I heard that is very helpful for eczema. I have also read that breastmilk helps too and since Rose won't take any of my frozen breast milk from my stash, I might try to use it for that!

5. V-tech sit to stand walker- Rose is not walking yet, even though she did take a few steps on her first birthday! I am in no rush for her to walk --haha! Anyway, this is her favorite birthday gift out of all the toys we got her. Rose will sit or stand while playing with it, occasionally she will walk with it like a cart. The phone is her favorite part-- she loves to answer it and pretend to talk!


Friday, September 9, 2016

Rose||12 Months Old

I don't know how this has happened. How could it possibly have been an entire year since I gave birth to our sweet Rose girl? The relationship I have with my boys is so beyond precious to me. Although ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have had this connection to Rose that is something I will always cherish. It is different. It is unexplainable. Rose completed our family, she is the icing on the cake, the cherry on top! We all adore her--each one of us. We smother her with kisses and love 24/7 and I don't think she minds one bit!

 Rose is expanding her vocabulary and getting closer to walking every day. I have been exploring different foods with her now that her two teeth have completely cut through. Throughout the day, I give her a  straw sippy with water. I haven't started her on whole milk yet, because I still breastfeed her around 6 times a day. I have been asked if we are going to stop nursing soon and the answer is no. Rose still loves it and she's not ready so why would I make her stop?

Rose will be forever the baby of the family and forever protected by her three big brothers. Forever treated like the princess she is to us all. It is so bittersweet right now. Every milestone she accomplishes I am so proud, but a little sad knowing this is the last first time we will see one of you babies doing it. I just wish time would slow down some. Happy birthday to the girl I lost my title of first kiss from Daddy when he gets home to. We love you so much Rose!

Here is a little update on our girl: 

Breastfeeding: Rose is still nursing around 6 times a day. I don't see us stopping anytime soon! Rose wakes up around 12am most nights eats and goes right back to sleep most nights-- I don't mind it. 

Sleep: Rose is napping twice a day once around 8 or 9am depending on when she woke up and then once more with Trent around 12pm.

Solids: Since Rose's two front bottom teeth have cut through, I have been giving her more solid foods slowly to see how she handles them. Usually she does pretty well, unlike her brothers she doesn't gag much and will try most foods I put in front of her.

Personality: SHY! Rose is so shy! When strangers talk to her, she curls in and rubs her face on me or Matt. Rose is constantly watching her brothers and what they are doing. If she wants what one of her brothers has she is not scared one bit to grab it right out of their hands, haha! She is one tough girl when it comes to them.

New this month: 

Clearly saying "Dada" to Matt and "Mama" to me, "Papa" and we even heard her say "hi" and "Landon" a few times! Rose is getting closer to saying "Grandma" and associates everyone with their name!

Weight: 19lbs and 3oz
Height: 29 inches 
Clothing Size:12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and straight
Teeth: 2 bottom center 

Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty
Likes: Nursing, goldfish, cherrios, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth especially her fingers, grabbing and pulling our dog Lacie's fur and my hair, being held.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Family Pictures 2016

To see last years family/maternity pictures click here

A big thank you to melissa kelly photography  once again for beautiful pictures that we will forever cherish. 

Landon-Five years old
Oliver- Four years old
Trent- Two and a half
Rose-One year old (almost)
Lacie- One year old
